Ring A Ding on these profilers #Wyndham #TheMiningExchange #MarkCurry https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cl95gKNo4T9/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
#wyndham #theminingexchange #markcurry
#Drinkingcoffeewhileblack. Now that’s a new one.
#drinkingcoffeewhileblack #markcurry
The disrespect shown #MarkCurry in a Colorado Springs hotel is no surprise. While the city is changing, it is still overly welcoming to right wing extremism and hate-filled values.
The disrespect shown #MarkCurry in a Colorado Springs hotel is no surprise. While the city is changing, it is still overly welcoming to right wing extremism and hate-filled values.