Stumbled on this Marketplace Preview VS Code extension. Great way to preview new #VSCode extension docs, tags, and check resource links.
Below is our #MarkdownSQLPro π οΈ Marketplace Preview. More info at:
#codetools #markdownsqlpro #vscode
Our combined #ProDataTools π οΈ changelog, covering prominent features and enhancements added to #DuckDB SQL and #DuckDBPro Tools, #PRQLCodeLens and new #MarkdownSQLPro Tools in 15 releases of the new #DataTools for VS Code ID published this year so far:
#datatools #markdownsqlpro #prqlcodelens #duckdbpro #duckdb #prodatatools
Updated #MarkdownSQLPro Tools info in our public #ProDataTools docs repo now:
We'll add demos of how to use new #SQLBookmarks and other features from our upcoming Markdown SQL v1.2.0 release with Quarto, R and Observable docs after lunch.
#sqlbookmarks #prodatatools #markdownsqlpro
We created new combined changelog to capture all the #ProDataTools π οΈ VS Code extensions and versions with detailed features info released to our Pro sponsors on GitHub this year.
You can get access to all of our Pro Data Tools today for a low low price of only $0.66. That's less than the cost of a βοΈ for some great new #DataTools for @code.
We'll wrap up our latest #MarkdownSQLPro Tools v1.2.0 docs today and will release that update shortly.
#markdownsqlpro #datatools #prodatatools
There are over 538K SQL code blocks in docs on GitHub:
We believe SQL code in docs should be runnable.
We created #SQLCodeLenses with new #SQLBookmarks π in #MarkdownSQLPro Tools π οΈ for VS Code IDE.
Get #SQLTools drivers to connect to data sources and run SQL queries:
Our Markdown SQL Pro Tools add new SQL code lenses to enable direct SQL code interactions.
Subscribe to get notified when they will be released:
#sqltools #markdownsqlpro #sqlbookmarks #sqlcodelenses
Using #MarkdownSQLPro Tools π οΈ with new #SQLBookmarks π, #SQLite & our #DuckDBPro #SQLTools in #VSCode IDE on @ploomber's #JupySQL #JupyText / #MyST #JupyterBook π markdown docs π
#SQL #DuckDB #Markdown #ProDataTools π§ββοΈ ...
#prodatatools #markdown #duckdb #sql #JupyterBook #myst #jupytext #jupysql #vscode #sqltools #duckdbpro #sqlite #sqlbookmarks #markdownsqlpro
Wrapping up the last #SQLBookmarks π in markdown docs feature for the #MarkdownSQLPro Tools v1.2.0 release today ...
The #MarkdownSQLPro Tools π οΈ v1.2.0 we will be releasing tomorrow add Execute SQL code lenses to SQL code blocks in Quarto markdown docs in VS Code IDE.
Quick demo of setting up local HR #SQLite database with #SQLTools VS Code extension, rendering Quarto markdown document with @quarto_pub extension, and using our new #MarkdownSQL Pro Tools π οΈ to Execute SQL queries from standard .md and .qmd markdown documents code:
#Quarto #Markdown #SQL #ProDataTools π§ββοΈ
#prodatatools #sql #markdown #quarto #markdownsql #sqltools #sqlite #markdownsqlpro
Using our soon to be released #MarkdownSQLPro Tools π οΈ v1.2.0 in .Rmd docs:
1. Install #MarkdownSQLProTools:
2. Clone sql-in-rmd repository:
3. Open sql-in-rmd project and create new SQLite database connection.
4. Use Extract All code lens to extract all SQL code blocks.
5. Use Execute All code lens to run extracted SQL code.
6. Use Execute code lenses to execute individual SQL code blocks and view results.
#MarkdownSQL #ProDataTools π§ββοΈ
#prodatatools #markdownsql #markdownsqlprotools #markdownsqlpro
We will add Bookmarks π integration to the next release of our #MarkdownSQLPro Tools π οΈ for VS Code IDE.
Bookmarks extension is very popular with devs and data scientists using VS Code and has close to 3 million installations.
Bookmark All SQL Code lens will provide quick jump points to the SQL code blocks in markdown docs via the Bookmarks Explorer view.
Example of Bookmarked SQL in the open Observable JS and markdown documents:
#MarkdownSQL #ProDataTools π οΈ π§ββοΈ ...
#prodatatools #markdownsql #markdownsqlpro