@mudge I _adore_ iA Writer, and use it for 90% of my general writing. However, it doesn't currently recognize its own sister product's markup yet (e.g. iA Presenter) or work well with variants like #Markua or #GitHubFlavoredMarkdown. That sometimes forces me to switch to a very customized .vimrc so I can tweak the markup, but that's (perhaps) a nitpick.
Between #iawriter, #vim, #Marked2, and #PanDoc I get all of my #WYSIWYM writing done faster. Thanks for sharing your process!
#Markua #GithubFlavoredMarkdown #iawriter #vim #marked2 #pandoc #wysiwym
Happy! Just made #marked2 my default app for all markdown files.
Now when I "open in default app" in #obsidian via my hotkey, it shows the content in #marked2. Great when you just want to copy and paste some text in a nice formatting into mail.app or similar. So happy about this little tweak.