Bitget Unveils Martingale AI: The AI-Infused Trading Tool for Crypto Traders - On June 7, 2023, Bitget, a Seychelles-based platform for crypto derivatives and co... - #artificialintelligence #historicalpatterns #cryptoderivatives #seychelles-based #marketbehavior #cryptotraders #novicetraders #cryptoassets #martingaleai #copytrading #ai-centric #ai-infused #gracychen #assets #bitget #news
#news #bitget #assets #gracychen #ai #copytrading #martingaleai #cryptoassets #novicetraders #cryptotraders #marketbehavior #seychelles #cryptoderivatives #historicalpatterns #artificialintelligence
The game theory of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies - The game theory of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies analyzes the beha... - #tradingstrategies #cryptocurrencies #prisonersdilemma #nashequilibrium #marketbehavior #gametheory #incentives #bitcoin
#bitcoin #incentives #gametheory #marketbehavior #nashequilibrium #prisonersdilemma #cryptocurrencies #tradingstrategies
OnlineFirst - "Unpacking corporate ownership in property markets: A typology of investors and the making of an investment value chain in Brazil" by Daniel Sanfelici and Maira Magnani:
#financialization #corporatelandlords #commercialpropertymarkets
#financialization #corporatelandlords #commercialpropertymarkets #marketbehavior #investmentvaluechain