The situation in Korea is not that different. The Korean government bought the bed capacity of private hospitals at a very high price. Still, only a tiny part of the inpatient function in private hospitals could be used for COVID-19 patients
#COVID19 #privatization #marketfailure
Looks like the #Penis supply poll is tied: we have a roughly equal number of people saying there are too many dicks as there are people saying there isn't enough of the thing they crave... and all my fellow economists know what that means:
You see, a market-failure is when there's a #supply of something that is being produced, and a #demand for it that it's somehow not meeting. There's your #Economics lesson for the day. In order to solve it, we clearly need to change the way the #dick supply chain is operating, we need to rethink #dickstribution so that these penises can get to the people who WANT THAT DICK!
WE NEED TO BRING #PenisToThePeople !!
#penis #cock #market #marketfailure #supply #demand #economics #dick #dickstribution #penistothepeople
Resolving this paradox requires us to completely rethink how we, as a society, pay for the creation of texts. In the digital age it makes no sense to leave this to markets. Markets are designed to distribute scarce resources, not effectively infinite ones likes digital copies of text. Instead, we need institutions that identify talented writers and give them tenure, ideally a variety of them to ensure plurality of authorial voices. So how do we fund these, if not through markets?
@craigmaloney Remember, even if you cancel and return, they've retained you as a customer (this goes for any subscription service).
Quit and don't go back.
And yeah, as Cory Doctorow notes, #VoteWithYourWallet is bullshit -- #MarketItHarder is not the solution to #MarketFailure and #monopoly
File complaints with your state's communications regulator, your city / county / state / national reps, your federal comms and competition regulators.
#VoteWithYourWallet #MarketItHarder #marketfailure #monopoly
Australia's Prime Minister is in denial; the #AustralianGovernment can't run out of Australian dollars.
“We’ve invested hundreds of billions of dollars getting Australia through this crisis. But we’re now in a stage of the pandemic, where you can’t just make everything free because when someone tells you they want to make something free, someone’s always going to pay for it and it’s going to be you.”
#MarketFailure #Dickhead #FuckYouIveGotMine #HaveYouTriedNotBeingPoor
#HaveYouTriedNotBeingPoor #FuckYouIveGotMine #dickhead #marketfailure #australiangovernment
Me: I think I'll try some Terry Pratchett, perhaps as an audiobook. The hive mind says to start with "Guards! Guards!"
@audible_com: Yes, we have those.
Me: Take my money.
Audible: Not available in your region.