They have changed/reworded that question's choice to
"Find a friend and fall in love"
It makes no sense with how the question is worded, and no sense in general.
#farlight84 #gamedev #marketingfail #languagesarehard
I don't usually put posts on blast but this is a sponsored post so I feel it's an OK target. Just... what a #marketing fail. Doesn't understand what they're writing about, doesn't know who their target audience is, doesn't care what their target audience knows
#marketing #marketingfail #copywriting
Vel gert #N1 að senda mér auglýsingu fyrir afslætti 10 mín áður en afslátturinn rennur út...
I am wondering if TikTok paid ads are a scam, and Instagram ads are definiately a WTF. We placed ads on both last week. Here's a post about what happened… perhaps you can explain the outcomes?
#iosdev #indiedev #marketingfail
I mean…I do love cheese, but I still want to speak to this store’s moderator.
#modteam #memes #marketingfail
One of the biggest product marketing fails I see regularly is when companies focus too much on their product features and specs rather than addressing their target audience's needs and pain points. Understanding what your customers really want and how your product can solve their problems is important. Only then can you effectively communicate the value of your product and convert leads into sales.
#productmarketing #marketingfail #targetaudience #customerneeds
#productmarketing #marketingfail #targetaudience #customerneeds
And in this follow-up toot, the author will actually provide a link so people can download the book if they are so inclined...
It's currently free!
Monzo email me promoting a new product.
In same email Monzo states "they wont email me marketing material"...
If it's a product you want me to use, it's marketing...
Not sure the #UBS marketing team picked the right week to send this kind of emails...
#ubs #toobigtofail #marketingfail
Ich habe Fragen ...
#aschenputtel #blutistimschuh #marketingfail
Wenn diese Werbung für dich lustig ist, dann wäre es das auch, wenn statt der Geschlechtsidentität die Hautfarbe, Religion, Nationalität oder die Sexualität verwendet worden wäre.
D Identität vo trans und nonbinary Mensche isch kein funny Werbeslogan ihr verdammte Chäs-Chöpf!!! #tilsiter #marketingfail
It says "COUNT" ... not that other word!!! COUNT!!
Got this email from my Vet with the subject “A special gift for you.
How did they know I’ve always wanted a “General exception error”, that is so thoughtful. 😆 #holidaycheer #marketingfail
A brand that makes products for a natural, bodily function to sexualise said product by using this trend is actually gross. #MarketingFail
A brand that makes products for women’s natural, bodily functions sexualising said product by using this trend is actually gross. #MarketingFail
This reminds me why we always try to think like a 14 year old when naming streets! 🤣 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots likened to ‘clitoris in trainers’ #marketingfail #olympics #mascot #oops
#marketingfail #olympics #mascot #oops
Faire des montages pour faire découvrir ce que j'écoute en crochetant n'est peut être pas le moyen idéal d'augmenter ma visibilité 😁
Tant pis, j'en ai envie et puis je tiens ma promesse envers Kostas
#metalextreme #funeraldoommetal #marketingfail #memepaspeur
#metalextreme #funeraldoommetal #marketingfail #memepaspeur