(3/3) ... of course in spoken language nobody cared, and for decades, Germans & Austrians continued to use "Marmelade" for jam. Having been involved in the #MarketingStandards proposal is probably the most down-to-earth, popular & common-sensical work I did at the Commission ;-)
After #Brexit: Commission makes proposal to roll back UK-instigated regulatory overreach. If adopted, companies can again use normal #language in the sales designation of their products… (1/3) https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52023PC0201 | #MarketingStandards #Legislation #Marmelade #jam #marmalade
#brexit #language #marketingstandards #Legislation #marmelade #jam #marmalade
#InTodaysOJ you can find the Regulation laying down rules on conformity checks of #marketingstandards for #oliveoil and methods of analysis of the characteristics of olive oil
#InTodaysOJ #marketingstandards #OliveOil #EUFoodSafety #EUHealth #EUagriculture