Market Maker là gì? Vai trò của nhà tạo lập thị trường là gì?
Đôi nét về Market Maker. Đặc điểm và vai trò cụ thể của Market Maker là gì? chi tiết tại :
Hastag: #exness #sanexness #marketmakerlagi #marketmaker
#marketmaker #marketmakerlagi #SanExness #exness
Citadel Securities Suing Two Former Employees After They Left To Form a Crypto Firm - Citadel Securities is suing two former employees after they left to form a cryptocurrency... - #blockchainnews #marketmaker #bloomberg #citadel
#citadel #bloomberg #marketmaker #blockchainnews
Confessions of a market maker
"[The] inherent power of position enables the MMs to move the markets at any time up or down. As a result, the only way to draw them out of their favorable position is going long."
#finance #financialmarkets #stocks #marketmaker #citadel #crime #fraud #manipulation
#finance #FinancialMarkets #stocks #marketmaker #citadel #crime #fraud #manipulation
Confessions of a market maker
"[The] inherent power of position enables the MMs to move the markets at any time up or down. As a result, the only way to draw them out of their favorable position is going long."
#finance #financialmarkets #stocks #marketmaker #citadel #crime #fraud #manipulation
#finance #FinancialMarkets #stocks #marketmaker #citadel #crime #fraud #manipulation
What even is the purpose of a #marketmaker?
The market makers like to pretend that they are fundamentally important financial institutions that exist to serve the interests of others, but that is the furthest thing from the truth.
A market maker performs the functions of a bookie. They facilitate #gambling within financial markets.
History doesn't repeat but it rhymes.
There was once a major criminal fraudster named #BernieMadoff that simultaneously ran a #marketmaker business and a #hedgefund, despite this being a conflict of interest and providing a totally unfair advantage against his competitors, enabling him to perpetrate criminal fraud for decades.
There is another criminal fraudster today named #KenGriffin doing that same thing: simultaneously operating as a hedge fund and a market maker.
#BernieMadoff #marketmaker #hedgefund #kengriffin
Market Maker DWF Labs’ More Than $200M in Deals Blur What ‘Investing’ Means - DWF Labs made headlines with more than $100 million of investments into crypto projects s... - #venturecapital #venturefunding #marketmaker #investment #investing #cryptogpt #synthetix #exclusive #fetch-ai #finance #dwflabs #news
#news #dwflabs #finance #fetch #exclusive #synthetix #cryptogpt #investing #investment #marketmaker #venturefunding #venturecapital
Crypto-Focused Menai Financial Group Shuttering Market-Making Business in London and Tokyo - The firm said it continues to invest in and grow its asset management business. - #financialservices #marketmaker #finance #london #crypto #tokyo #news
#news #tokyo #crypto #london #finance #marketmaker #financialservices
Market Maker DWF Labs Emerges as Top Crypto Investor - Managing partner Andrei Grachev discussed the firm’s investment strategy – and continuing... - #venturecapital #fundingrounds #marketmaker #finance #news
#news #finance #marketmaker #fundingrounds #venturecapital
Trading Platform Talos Adds Crypto Market Liquidity in Tie Up With Keyrock - The agreement with the Belgian market maker is part of Talos' ongoing expansion into Euro... - #tradingplatform #marketmaker #finance #belgium #europe #news
#news #europe #belgium #finance #marketmaker #tradingplatform
FTX and Alameda Research Collapse Sad Event but ‘Good for the Long Run’ Says DWF Labs Managing Partner - While the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX and its affiliate Alameda Research i... - #decentralizedexchanges #automatedmarketmaker #(otc)tradingdesk #andreigrachev #marketmaker #terra(luna) #blockchain #bullmarket #interview #dwflabs #ftx
#ftx #dwflabs #interview #bullmarket #blockchain #terra #marketmaker #andreigrachev #automatedmarketmaker #decentralizedexchanges