National and World #FarmersMarketWeek starts today! If you are in Sacramento, take a trip to the Central Farmers' Market at 8th & W Streets in the shade under the freeway, where you'll find delectable fresh local produce!
New to farmers' markets? We have a resource with a map and list of markets in the region, a beginner's guide, and information on spending CalFresh at markets to get extra #MarketMatch dollars:
We hope to see you at a market this week! @FMCorg
#farmersmarketweek #marketmatch
Important 📢
Central Farmers' Market is moving back to under the freeway!
Location: 8th & W St, Sacramento
When: Sunday, July 9th
Operating Hours: 8am-12pm
Our EBT booth will be open from 8am-11:50am! Look out for our green neon tent to use your EBT and/or P-EBT card(s) and get up to $10 Market Match once per day.
#farmersmarkets #ebt #marketmatch #sacramento
Welcome back to Farmers Friday! Learn more about V&M Farms and their love for their farmers markets community!
Check them out at various locations such as Florin (Thursday), Country Club Plaza, Laguna (Saturday), and Central/Arden (Sunday) Farmers' Markets. Use your EBT and Market Match vouchers this weekend to get some amazing strawberries!
#FarmersFriday #FarmersMarkets #EBT #MarketMatch #Sacramento
#farmersfriday #farmersmarkets #ebt #marketmatch #sacramento
Welcome back to Farmers Friday! Read more about Toldeo Farms legacy and seasonal offerings at Florin, Sunrise Station, Country Club Plaza, and Central/Arden Farmers' Markets.
Check out Toldeo Farms this weekend and use your EBT and Market Match vouchers for their amazing lettuce varieties!
#farmersfriday #farmersmarkets #marketmatch #ebt
Happy Friday everyone! Did you know that Alpine Blue Farms is back at the farmers markets? They have a variety of fruits such as cherries, apricots, blueberries, and so much more!
Start off the month by checking out Alpine Blue Farms at Florin (Thursday) and Central/Arden (Sunday) Farmers' Market for the wide selection of fruits this weekend by using your EBT and/or Market Match vouchers!
Swipe to learn more about them today.
#FarmersFriday #MarketMatch #FarmersMarkets #EBT # Sacramento
#farmersfriday #marketmatch #farmersmarkets #ebt
Welcome back to Farmers' Friday! Meet Gotelli Farms which specializes in cherries from San Joaquin County. Learn more about their history and the locations they go to in Sacramento!
Check out Gotelli Farms and use your EBT and Market Match vouchers to get amazing cherries!
#farmersfriday #farmersmarket #ebt #marketmatch
In one week, the Natomas Farmers' Market will be back starting May 13th from 8:30am-12:30pm every Saturday till September.
Our EBT booth will be open from 8:30am-12:20pm. Check out our booth and earn up to $10 in Market Match incentive with your EBT and/or P-EBT card. See you all there!
#farmersmarkets #marketmatch #ebt #natomas
Welcome back to Farmers Friday! Today, we have Shared Abundance Farm!
Ruthanne (first slide) bought her plot in 1997 and has been growing her range of fruits and vegetables since. She has amazing selections and specialties from her homemade violet salads, kiwi jams, and so much more.
Visit Ruthanne at Central Farmers' Market on Sundays and use your EBT and Market Match vouchers on the various offerings!
#farmersfriday #farmersmarkets #marketmatch #ebt
Exciting news! Capitol Mall Farmers' Market will be back starting May 3rd from 9am-1pm every Wednesday till September.
Our EBT booth will be open from 9am-12:50pm. Check out our booth and earn up to $10 in Market Match incentive with your EBT and/or P-EBT card. See you all there!
#farmersmarkets #marketmatch #ebt
Welcome back to a wonderful Farmers Friday! In the 1980s, owners, Sam and Sunhee, upstarted their passion in California. Their business, Solano Mushroom, has been thriving through their love for the work they do. Learn more about their story on
Check out Solano Mushroom at Central/Arden Farmers' Market on Sundays, and use your EBT and Market Match vouchers on the various mushrooms offered!
#farmersfriday #farmersmarkets #marketmatch #sacramento
Happy Friday everyone! Welcome back to another Farmers Friday! Today, we have Ayson Nursery which they have been back for the last 2 weeks. Cecilia (first post) is ecstatic to be back at the farmers markets! Check out Ayson Nursery at Florin (Thursday), Laguna (Saturday), Sunrise Station (Saturday), and Central/Arden (Sunday) Farmers' Market! Use your EBT and Market Match vouchers with Ayson Nursery for your favorite seedlings this upcoming weekend!
#FarmersFriday #FarmersMarket #MarketMatch
#farmersfriday #farmersmarket #marketmatch
Happy Friday everyone! Welcome back to another Farmers Friday! Today, we have Ayson Nursery which they have been back for the last 2 weeks! Celicia (first post) is ecstatic to be back at the farmers markets and is at Florin (Thursday), Laguna (Saturday), Sunrise Station (Saturday), and Central/Arden (Sunday) Farmers' Market! Use your EBT and Market Match vouchers with Ayson Nursery for your favorite seedlings this upcoming weekend!
#farmersfriday #farmersmarket #marketmatch
We've got numbers for all of you who enjoy tracking data! In Jan/Feb 2023, we have distributed $135,913 in CalFresh and #MarketMatch (MM) at 6 local farmers' markets across 5,475 transactions!
You may note that the total dollar amount is a slight decrease from the same period in 2022. We can trace this to two root causes:
1. Until April '22, MM incentives were $15/customer. Since then, they have been $10/customer. This means fewer incentive dollars are available to spend in '23.
2. The weather was dramatically different between 2022 and 2023. This year, markets saw constant storms that sometimes resulted in early closures or even cancellations, which are normally very rare. The storms also impact the timing and availability of California-grown produce.
#FarmToFork #FarmToEveryFork #WeAreFarmToFork #VisitSacramento #LEAFSB907 #MyJobDependsOnAg #caleg #cabudget #caleg
#marketmatch #FarmtoFork #FarmToEveryFork #wearefarmtofork #visitsacramento #leafsb907 #myjobdependsonag #caleg #cabudget
Happy Friday everyone! Welcome back to another Farmers Friday which we are highlighting Lagorio Farm! Read about the rich history of Lagorio Farm, and the abundant seasonal produce they have to offer at the various farmers' market locations in Sacramento. Use your EBT and Market Match vouchers with Lagorio Farm for your favorite produce items also!
#farmers #farmersfriday #marketmatch
Happy Friday! We are back again with an exciting Farmers Friday. This Friday we are highlighting Barbagelata Farms! Learn more about their farm and the many seasonal produce they have available at Florin, Country Club, and Central/Arden Farmers' Market. Use your EBT and Market Match vouchers with Barbagelata Farms for your favorite produce items!
#farmersfriday #farmers #marketmatch
Our EBT Booth has moved! You can now find the EBT booth on 20th between K Street and Kayak Alley. Look for our lime green tent!
#marketmatch #CalFresh #farmersmarkets