Lots of people do not know what a #mixedeconomy and #marketsocialism are.
#mixedeconomy #marketsocialism
"I think [Josiah] Warren was right when he talked about cost being the limit of price. That it didn't need to be enforced, it would just be how #markets worked." -Joe Peacott, NSP 18
📽️ https://youtu.be/EzYL0vKFGrY
🎙️ https://on.soundcloud.com/gswXw
#NonServiamMedia #anarchism #individualistanarchism #marketsocialism
#markets #nonserviammedia #anarchism #individualistanarchism #marketsocialism
The Inflation Reduction Act... illustrates the nation’s shift away from regulating businesses to subsidizing businesses.
aka #socialism, one of the two parts of our #mixedeconomy, aka #marketsocialism
#socialism #mixedeconomy #marketsocialism
Listen to Frank Miroslav & Jahed Momand discuss #JohannaBockman’s provocative book “Markets in the Name of Socialism” & more on #AllPowerToTheImagination 🧑🚀
📽️ https://youtu.be/FrCaxtD51CU
🎙️ https://soundcloud.com/nonserviammedia/all-power-to-the-imagination-2
@rogermexico @against_utopia #nonserviammedia #anarchism #anarchy #socialism #socialist #neoliberalism #neoliberal #economics #econ #history #politics #intellectualhistory #politicalhistory #historyofideas #libertarianleft #marketanarchism #marketsocialism
#JohannaBockman #AllPowerToTheImagination #nonserviammedia #anarchism #anarchy #socialism #socialist #neoliberalism #neoliberal #economics #econ #history #politics #intellectualhistory #politicalhistory #historyofideas #libertarianleft #marketanarchism #marketsocialism
I'm Fer, I'm from Spain, and I support #selfmanagement, #marketsocialism (including the Meidner Plan) and #coops.
I'm against authoritarian socialism and statism.
Feel free to follow me! #introductions
#selfmanagement #marketsocialism #coops #introductions