so i'm going to have to read #MarkFisher 's 'capitalist realism' as I've agreed to co-author a paper where the call for papers includes references to it.
as soon as i turn to the back cover i am immediately confronted by why i have chosen not to read this book so far - three testimonies, one from that reactionary cop fucker #Zizak and another by bobby gillespie.
make it #CriticalTheory but mass market #CriticalTheory
#criticaltheory #zizak #markfisher
@ZachWeinersmith This reminds me a little of what I read about the "big Other."
"Here, Žižek’s elaboration of Lacan’s concept of the ‘big Other’ is crucial. The big Other is the collective fiction, the symbolic structure, presupposed by any social field. The big Other can never be encountered in itself; instead, we only ever confront its stand-ins."
–Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism
Thématique rose bonbon #MarkFisher #Communismepsychedelique #barbie #cinemastodon #cinema
#markfisher #communismepsychedelique #barbie #cinemastodon #cinema
Un de mes grands projets c'est de populariser le communisme psychédélique dont les prémices ont été tracé par Mark Fisher. Mais a vrai dire c'est un sujet de niche, je dois avoir trois ou quatre personnes autour de moi à connaître Fisher et c'est plus pour la musique et le cinéma que pour ses recettes d'omelette aux champignons. Mais y a une chouette vidéo wtf qui évoque la théorie comme quoi Lénine était un champignon #communism #psychedelic #MarkFisher
#communism #psychedelic #markfisher
K-Punk by Mark Fisher, RT from
In capitalism's anti-mythic myth, calculating business and a hugely amplified sentimental interiority become the only two faces of "reality", the cynicism of the one using the alleged authenticity of the other as its alibi.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism
K-Punk by Mark Fisher, RT from
Disaffection is incorporated into the mainstream while banal business presents itself as cool & cutting-edge, summed up by the rise of TV business shows such as The Apprentice & Dragon's Den, in which dreary & charmless opportunists get posited as charismatic cultural figures.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism
K-Punk by Mark fisher, RT from
Our misery, like our dreams, is the work of anonymous hands. It's an impersonal sadness, a nonspecific but pervasive pathos, that arises from the impasses of a culture where business has shut down not only the strangeness of the unconscious, but also any possibility of an outside.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
K-Punk by Mark fisher, RT from
Neoliberalism reproduces itself through cynicism, through people doing things they "don't really believe". It's a question of power. People go along with auditing culture and business ontology not necessarily because they agree with it, but because that's the ruling order.
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
#markfisher #capitalism #capitalistrealism #neoliberalism #untrue #tina
#MarkFisher et le #communisme #psychedelique, ça intéresse des gens ici?
#markfisher #Communisme #psychedelique
Niste novo capítulo de Café Kyoto, Juan Felipe fala de “ El falso Anticapitalismo de Hollywood en Batman“ de Mark Fisher.
#cafeKyoto #Capitalismo #FalsoAnticapitalismo #Hollywood #Batman #ChristopherNolan #CaballeroOscuro #MarkFisher #KPunk
#cafekyoto #capitalismo #falsoanticapitalismo #hollywood #batman #ChristopherNolan #caballerooscuro #markfisher #kpunk
Bo día, sigo a voltas con #MarkFisher. Seica a maioría do que pasa no panorama do #MassMedia espanhol está en “ A estraña #Morte da sátira Británica “ #KPunk.
“ .. Nos últimos trinta anos, vemos a burguesía apropiarse non só dos negocios i a política, se non tamén do entretemento e a cultura. [ … ] Xa é tempo de deixarmos de facer sorrisos coa #Burguesía emocional mente danada, e aprendamos novamente a rírnos e preocuparnos da #ClaseTrabalhadora. “
#markfisher #massmedia #morte #kpunk #burguesia #clasetrabalhadora #television
Ola, boas!!! Nalghún intre tiña que romper o xeo, non sí?
Andaba lendo a #MarkFisher no seu primeiro volume de #KPunk, é o artigo “Mais alá do ben e do mal, #BreakigBad “ e chamoume a atención isto:
“ Imaxinen que Breaking Bad transcorre no Reino Unido ou Canadá. Escea de apertura. O doutor dille a Walt que ten cancro i que o tratamento comeza a semana próxima. Fin da serie. “
Houbera sido unha magoa que os gringos tiveran sanidade pública. Nada, era só iso.
#markfisher #kpunk #breakigbad
being #transgender and #nonbinary goes far beyond us
not only is the medical science the first steps towards #transhumanism
#trans and #enby ppl force revisitation of #hyperpriors, a huge step in exposing the #absurdism we live under, a huge step in dismantling it
#CognitiveScience #Neuroscience #PredictiveProcessing #AcidCommunism #MarkFisher #AcidCapitalism #OshanJarow #Capitalism #LateStageCapitalism #HyperCapitalism #PostCapitalism #SocialConstruction
#transgender #nonbinary #transhumanism #trans #enby #hyperpriors #absurdism #cognitivescience #neuroscience #predictiveprocessing #acidcommunism #markfisher #acidcapitalism #oshanjarow #capitalism #latestagecapitalism #hypercapitalism #postcapitalism #socialconstruction
❝ Most everything that has been written about cultural hauntology—a usage coined by Mark Fisher—has focused on how very British it all is. Although I grew up during the era in which it thrived, I was born and raised in the United States, and have never lived in Britain. So why was my response so immediate and powerful, if this music and its associated design aesthetic were based on exclusively British cultural forms? ❞ →
#hauntology #MarkFisher #PBS
"What we call post politics is just the end of our politics, the end of the left wing."
2½ minutes #MarkFisher gold on the left abandoning #mainstream culture: [from 14:20]
From the archives of my blog:
The Psychedelic Gothic in Acid Renaissance
#AcidCommunism #Gothic #Goth #GothsAssemble #MarkFisher #MastoArt
#acidcommunism #gothic #goth #gothsassemble #markfisher #mastoart
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#leestips #parenti #markfisher #leestip #socialisme #activisme #links #politiek #socialewetenschappen