I’d like to know what George Lucas thinks about this… #MarkHamil went to the dark side when he supplied them w/ drones…now this. War dehumanizes the people that can’t afford to leave. This isn’t entertainment it’s dystopian!
#StarWars #LucasFilm #Andor #Mandalorian #Imperialism #Leftist #Democracy
#markhamil #starwars #lucasfilm #Andor #mandalorian #imperialism #leftist #democracy
"Hamil has been a vocal supporter of Ukraine throughout its conflict with Russia, having previously raffled autographed Star Wars posters to raise funds for Ukrainian forces to buy reconnaissance drones. 'Here I sit in the comfort of my own home when in Ukraine there are power outages and food shortages and people are really suffering,' he said. 'It motivates me to do as much as I can.'"
#ukraine #starwars #markhamil #ukrainewar
#MarkHamil, you are amazing. 🔥 #StarWars #SlavaUkraini https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-star-wars-luke-hamill-app-08ec03bf1a2c9c0378857090079f00f9
#markhamil #starwars #slavaukraini
Beginning to wish #MarkHamil had been asked to do the voice for #Ardyn Think I'd prefer his rendition of the script to that given by the current incumbent. #FFXV
Also wish I'd spent more time hunting for sidequests. Missing the Regalia already );*