On August 13, 1981, Roller Boogie debuted in Australia. Here’s an original punk patch design to mark the occasion!
#RollerBoogie #MarkLLester #LindaBlair #RomCom #70sRomCom #ComingOfAgeFilm #ComedyDrama #TCMUnderground #Art ##MovieArt#MovieHistory #FanArt
#rollerboogie #markllester #lindablair #romcom #70sromcom #comingofagefilm #comedydrama #tcmunderground #art #movieart #FanArt
Gizmodo: King on Screen Scratches the Surface of the Vast World of Stephen King Adaptations https://gizmodo.com/king-on-screen-stephen-king-movies-tv-documentary-revie-1850692500 #theshawshankredemption #entertainmentculture #barbaramuschietti #doloresclaiborne #vincenzonatali #stanleykubrick #taylorhackford #humaninterest #frankdarabont #denniswidmyer #daphnebaiwir #gregnicotero #mikeflanagan #thegreenmile #stephenking #doctorsleep #kevinkolsch #markllester #ianfleming #tomholland #mickgarris
#theshawshankredemption #entertainmentculture #barbaramuschietti #doloresclaiborne #vincenzonatali #stanleykubrick #taylorhackford #humaninterest #frankdarabont #denniswidmyer #daphnebaiwir #gregnicotero #mikeflanagan #thegreenmile #stephenking #doctorsleep #kevinkolsch #markllester #ianfleming #tomholland #mickgarris
La película de acción de 1985 #Comando dirigida por #MarkLLester se ha convertido en un clásico del género y ahora repasamos detalles que quizás no sabías. https://www.cinemascomics.com/10-curiosidades-de-comando-1985/
On April 18, 2011, Bobbie Jo and the Outlaw was released on DVD in Canada. Here’s some Lynda Carter art!
#BobbieJoeAndTheOutlaw #MarkLLester #LyndaCarter #TCMUnerground #ActionFilm #1970sMovies #ActionThriller #CrimeFilm #Carsploitation #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#bobbiejoeandtheoutlaw #markllester #lyndacarter #tcmunerground #actionfilm #1970smovies #actionthriller #crimefilm #carsploitation #movieart #art #moviehistory
33 years ago:
Class of 1999 (US)
The time is in the future and the youth gang violence is so high that the areas around some schools have become "free-fire zones", into which not even the police will venture. When Miles Langford, the head of Kennedy High School, decides to take his school back from the gangs, robotics specialist Dr...
#Classof1999 #MarkLLester #TraciLind #MalcolmMcDowell #StacyKeach #SciFi #Movies
#classof1999 #markllester #tracilind #malcolmmcdowell #stacykeach #scifi #movies
Ça cogne et ça rigole chez les routiers (1974)
aka "L'Impasse du crime"
Des gros moustachus au volant de leur 3,5t qui font pouët-pouët avec de jeunes demoiselles topless. Bof bof…
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/truck_stop_women/critique/285102919
#ÇaCogneEtCaRigoleChezLesRoutiers #TruckStopWomen #LimpasseDuCrime #MarkLLester #Routier #Camion #Camionneur #Film #Cinema
#cacogneetcarigolechezlesroutiers #truckstopwomen #limpasseducrime #markllester #routier #camion #camionneur #film #cinema
Today in rom-com / coming-of-age film history: on December 19, 1979 Roller Boogie debuted in New York City. Here's a drawing of Linda Blair to mark the occasion!
#RollerBoogie #MarkLLester #LindaBlair #Rollerskating #1970s #1970sMovies #Art #FanArt #RomanticDrama #RomCom #ExploitationFilm #GenreFilms #Drawing #PenSketch #MastoArt
#rollerboogie #markllester #lindablair #rollerskating #1970s #1970smovies #art #FanArt #romanticdrama #romcom #exploitationfilm #genrefilms #drawing #pensketch #MastoArt