"The real challenge is to remember to see clearly when everything's flying around us and we're wrapped up in our [emotional] wounds and traumas." — Mark Nepo — — — #MarkNepo #quote #quotes #challenge #trauma #wound #clearly #emotions
#marknepo #quote #quotes #challenge #trauma #wound #clearly #emotions
“The doorway to our next step of growth is always behind the urgency of now. Now more than ever, when all feels urgent, you must cut the strings to all events.”
— The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo
“When broken open, we grow. When just broken, we endure. And the crucial calling of all relationship is to inhabit what we learn from being broken open to help us endure the times we are just broken.”
#book #books #MarkNepo #SurvivingStorms
— Surviving Storms: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity by Mark Nepo
#book #books #marknepo #survivingstorms
“It seems no one is exempt from being humbled by the human journey and no matter how far we fall, no one is precluded from having the light flood through the cracks of our brokenness.”
— Surviving Storms: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity by Mark Nepo
“Can there be anything more noble and relevant than to dare to be relentlessly kind in an effort to keep life going?
This is the purpose of goodness: to outweigh all the other possibilities by one gesture of care, so that life will continue.”
#books #MarkNepo #kindness #goodness
— Surviving Storms: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity by Mark Nepo
#books #marknepo #kindness #goodness
“The real work is in opening our heart wide enough and deep enough to receive both, so we can draw strength from the miracle of life to repair the tragedy of life. This deeper practice is crucial to how we survive storms. How do we dilute the pain of the world in the small cup of peace we brew?”
#Books #SurvivingStorms #MarkNepo #adversity
— Surviving Storms: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity by Mark Nepo
#books #survivingstorms #marknepo #adversity