The Evening Post: Mark Rober Address To MIT Class Of 2023
The popular YouTuber, engineer, and inventor who works to engage young people in science and technology while encouraging curiosity and resilience, gives this years Commencement address to the MIT Class of 2023.
#TheEveningPostStuff #MarkRober #MarkRoberAddressToMITClassOf2023 #MassachusettsInstituteOfTechnology #YouTube
#theeveningpoststuff #markrober #markroberaddresstomitclassof2023 #massachusettsinstituteoftechnology #youtube
Science Mondays: This Ball Is Impossible To Hit
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content. Our goal here at Geek Alabama is to hopefully have you learn
#ScienceTalkStuff #MarkRober #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #ThisBallIsImpossibleToHit #WiffleBall #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #markrober #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #thisballisimpossibletohit #wiffleball #youtube
Couldn't love this prank any more! #markrober
Science Mondays: Amazing Invention – This Drone Will Change Everything
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content
#ScienceTalkStuff #MarkRober #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #ThisDroneWillChangeEverything #YouTube #Zipline #ZiplineDrones
#sciencetalkstuff #markrober #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #thisdronewillchangeeverything #youtube #zipline #ziplinedrones
2303 - I'm thankful there are people out there working to help people in awesome ways, like the Rwandan Zipline company in the latest Mark Rober video.
#gratitude #zipline #rwanda #markrober
@FirefighterGeek @mekkaokereke
Click on the hastag #MarkRober
And look for his videos on You tube. - I've not seen the one that you've showing, and am going to send it to my TV....
Yea, the world would be a better place if there were more people like #MarkRober in it.
We really enjoyed this #MarkRober video that highlights life-saving drone flights in #Rwanda. It's a nice #FeelGood video:
#markrober #rwanda #feelgood #zipline #drones
#MarkRober : Incredible Invention- This Drone Could Change Everything
Hey, want to see a story that makes you feel #hopeful for humanity, for a change?
Here's #MarkRober (#engineer, #physicist, and #YouTube #creator who has done high-tech battle with #porchpirates and #squirrels) highlighting an amazing company doing amazing things with #drones. #Uplifting in all senses of the word:
#hopeful #markrober #engineer #physicist #youtube #creator #porchpirates #squirrels #drones #uplifting
Science Mondays: Bed Bugs – What You’ve Been Told Is Totally False
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content. Our goal
#ScienceTalkStuff #BedBugs #BedBugs-WhatYou'veBeenToldIsTotallyFalse #MarkRober #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #bedbugs #markrober #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #youtube
I ♥️ #markrober and his glitter bombs 🪩
If you like to see instant karma...
These are for you
Ha! I Another Mark Rober Squirrel video.
My partner and I have fought with them before. We ended up heating up our home for a day while we were out
Mark Rober: Bed Bugs- What You've Been Told is Totally False
#markrober #bedbugs #learning #entomology
Our #WonderLink [VIDEO] today in 6th grade Intro to Engineering was suggested by 1 of my students: "Pranks Destroy Scam Callers- GlitterBomb Payback" by #MarkRober
More Wonder Links:
#wonderlink #markrober #coding #nced #stem #design
Our Middle School "Wonder Links" page is updated! New links & videos about #ChatGPT, #MarkRober, #MoonLanding #conspiracy #BostonDynamics #robotics & more!
#moonlanding #bostondynamics #chatgpt #robotics #markrober #conspiracy #stem #medialit #medialiteracy #nced
Paging #MarkRober. Sounds likens perfect one for him to try out: how heavy of a stone can he build a machine to skip across water?
Sadly, it looks like he's not here yet.
I love watching #markRober videos with my son. #engineering #science
#markrober #engineering #science
Science Mondays: Car Thieves Vs The Final GlitterBomb 5.0
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related c
#ChristmasSeasonStuff #ScienceTalkStuff #CarThievesVsTheFinalGlitterBomb5.0 #Glitterbomb #GlitterBomb5.0 #MarkRober #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #YouTube
#christmasseasonstuff #sciencetalkstuff #carthievesvsthefinalglitterbomb5 #glitterbomb #glitterbomb5 #markrober #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #youtube
Someone close to me getting scammed and losing four-digits makes me want to share the following factoids.
Living legend #MarkRober has a great video about going after and punishing Indian call center scammers that is worth sharing with your network: warning includes 🪳 cockroaches 😱