From TRSE, Almost Live... New Journal Post... #1980s #audiocassettes #digitization #grandoleopry #markrussell #ronaldreagan #tapeandrecordshowenterprises #trse
#1980s #audiocassettes #digitization #grandoleopry #markrussell #ronaldreagan #tapeandrecordshowenterprises #trse
"Political satirist, singer and musician #MarkRussell dies at 90"
Saw him give a great performance in DC early in the Clinton admin — 'Republicans are always trapped by money, but with Democrats it's always sex.' Proved true again, shortly after. Times change, though.
"He's a master of the English language and brings humor into politics and current events. He’s also a talented musician, and he plays so well that people take it for granted."
'American Treasure': Mark Russell, Noted Buffalo-Born Political Satirist, Dies at 90 via "Buffalo News"
Photo: Matt Russell via "Erie Reader"
#MarkRussell #Satire #Comedy #Politics #Music
#markrussell #satire #comedy #politics #music
We enjoyed #MarkRussell humor for decades.
#MarkRussell #Death
Mark Russell died today. He was a brilliant satirist and political savant. I so enjoyed him from the 1970's into the 2000's. RIP my good man.
#MarkRussell #Death
Mark Russell died today. He was a brilliant satirist and political savant. I so enjoyed him from the 1970's into the 2000's. RIP my good man.
#MarkRussell #Death
Mark Russell died today. He was a brilliant satirist and political savant. I so enjoyed him from the 1970's into the 2000's. RIP my good man.
Mixed feelings about Mark Russell, who just passed away at 90. At his best, his political piano songs were witty (though never risk-taking). At his worst, he was every cornball white guy cliche. The kind of privileged "humor" I deeply resent -- epitomized by the likes of Garrison Keillor -- where it's all cloaked in sheltered centrist regular guy bullshit and the bar for being "funny" is judged by pearl-clutching Karens, easily unsettled by the word "fuck," who would be the first to call the police on a random Black man driving through their neighborhood. If you make more than $200,000 a year and you're over sixty, I suspect this would be considered a major loss. I didn't hate the guy, but I didn't really like the guy much either.
Is there anything better than on a cold friday afternoon, curling up with a blanlet, a hot beverage and Mark Russell comics?