Imagining a World Without #FossilFuels
#MarkStoll’s new book "#Profit" describes how #capitalism and its spawn, #consumerism, fuel #climatechange and #environmental degradation. "The #environment," he writes, "can no longer bear the cost."
#fossilfuels #markstoll #profit #capitalism #consumerism #climatechange #environmental #environment #kellybense #insideclimatenews
"Could tackling the climate crisis be the critical first step in charting a new course that places planet over profit, and sustainability over stuff? Read this book and learn how we got into this mess and how we might just get out."
-#MichaelEMann on #MarkStoll's #Profit: An #EnvHist
#michaelemann #markstoll #profit #envhist
In a story of ingenuity and villainy that begins in the Doge’s palace in medieval Venice and ends with Jeff Bezos aboard his spacecraft, #MarkStoll
tracks the history of industrial and consumer capitalism and shows how it went hand in hand with the degradation of the environment.