18 years ago, on 13 February 2005, The American comedy-drama series, Boston Legal, aired the fan-favorite episode, 'Til We Meat Again.
#BostonLegal #TV #2000s #Nostalgia
#JamesSpader #WilliamShatner
#ReneAuberjonois #MarkValley
#JulieBowen #CandiceBergen
13 February 2005 S1E14 'Til We Meat Again
Schmidt and Crane represent a man whose steakhouse could go out of business when the mayor pushes through an ordinance banning red meat for the fear of Mad Cow Disease.
#bostonlegal #tv #2000s #nostalgia #jamesspader #williamshatner #reneauberjonois #markvalley #juliebowen #candicebergen