#13books that I think about often:
#OliverSacks Musicophilia
#WillAitken Antigone Undone: #JulietteBinoche, #AnneCarson, #IvoVanHove, and the Art of Resistance
#NickCave, And the Ass Saw the Angel
#MarkZDanielewski House of Leaves
#UmbertoEco The Island of the Day Before
#HermannHesse Glass Bead Game
#PatrickMcCabe Poguemahone
#NealStephenson Anathem
#HalldorLaxness Under the Glacier
#CanXue Frontier
#JohnDarnielle x2: Universal Harvester, Master of Reality
#MaggieRowe Sin Bravely
#maggierowe #johndarnielle #canxue #halldorlaxness #nealstephenson #patrickmccabe #hermannhesse #umbertoeco #markzdanielewski #nickcave #ivovanhove #AnneCarson #JulietteBinoche #willaitken #oliversacks #13books
I'm working on 3 books right now:
1. #HouseOfLeaves by #MarkZDanielewski
2. #TheKeyOfUs by #MariamaJLockington
3. #YiddishForPirates by #GaryBarwin
#houseofleaves #markzdanielewski #thekeyofus #mariamajlockington #yiddishforpirates #garybarwin
@The_BookishWolf I have several on the go right now. At work I'm reading #YiddishForPirates by #GaryBarwin on my breaks. My current audiobook is #Spare by #PrinceHarry, and my main book at home is #HouseOfLeaves by #MarkZDanielewski
#yiddishforpirates #garybarwin #spare #princeharry #houseofleaves #markzdanielewski
I'M SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!! I just finished reading #ThePrioryOfTheOrangeTree by #SamanthaShannon a few minutes ago (took me 6 months, but I loved it!) and now I'm about to start a book my husband gave me for Christmas last year: #HouseOfLeaves by #MarkZDanielewski . I've been dying to read it, but I know it'll take me a while so I wanted to make sure I finished Priory first.
#theprioryoftheorangetree #samanthashannon #houseofleaves #markzdanielewski #amreading #procrastireading
#noxp #books2023 #books #kindle #fiction #bookstodon #thomaspynchon #masonanddixon #michaelwinkler #grimmish #bryeager #negativespace #houseofleaves #markzdanielewski #ascentofnewmownhay #johnblackburn #charlesdickens #ataleoftwocities
#noxp #books2023 #books #kindle #fiction #bookstodon #ThomasPynchon #masonanddixon #michaelwinkler #grimmish #bryeager #negativespace #houseofleaves #markzdanielewski #ascentofnewmownhay #johnblackburn #charlesdickens #ATaleOfTwoCities
2023: book thirteen.
#noxp #2023books #books #bookstodon #markzdanielewski #houseofleaves #mysterious #wank
#noxp #2023books #books #bookstodon #markzdanielewski #houseofleaves #mysterious #wank
I've never met anyone that has the same taste in books as me, so let me know if you're a kindred spirit! #bookstodon
Top authors: #AnneCarson, #AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, #DenisJohnson, #ReneeGladman, #MarciaDouglas, #RodrigoFresán, #DionneBrand, #MarkZDanielewski, #HalldórLaxness, #BenLerner
Top books: M. Douglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread; H. Hesse, Glass Bead Game; I. Calvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler; D. Brand, The Blue Clerk; N. Gaiman, American Gods
#benlerner #halldorlaxness #markzdanielewski #dionnebrand #rodrigofresan #marciadouglas #reneegladman #denisjohnson #azareenvandervlietoloomi #AnneCarson #bookstodon
Currently reading: #Gnomon by #NickHarkaway and #DeepSecret by #DianaWynneJones. Tentatively looking to tackle #HouseOfLeaves by #MarkZDanielewski next.
What’s everyone else #reading? And what’s next on the horizon??
#gnomon #nickharkaway #deepsecret #dianawynnejones #houseofleaves #markzdanielewski #reading #bookstadon #sff #scififantasy #speculativefiction
I wish someone would make a really great #FoundFootage short of the 5 1/2 minute Hallway from the #NavidsonRecords in #MarkZDanielewski's #HouseOfLeaves.
#foundfootage #navidsonrecords #markzdanielewski #houseofleaves
@ChrisCPS @bookstodon Honourable mentions for my top 7 of all time:
#MilanKundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
#AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, Call Me Zebra
#DionneBrand, The Blue Clerk
#CanXue, Frontier
#Nabokov, Pale Fire
#Kafka, The Trial
#MarkZDanielewski, House of Leaves
#DavidFosterWallace, Infinite Jest
#PaulAnderson, Hunger's Brides
#NealStephenson, Anathem
#NeilGaiman, American Gods
#MaeveBinchy, Evening Class
#JackLondon, White Fang
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables series
#MilanKundera #azareenvandervlietoloomi #dionnebrand #CanXue #Nabokov #kafka #markzdanielewski #davidfosterwallace #paulanderson #nealstephenson #neilgaiman #maevebinchy #jacklondon #LucyMaudMontgomery
@maryellen @bookstodon I honestly loved it, but I also sorta knew I would just by looking at the book and the bizarre format. It made me want to read everything from #MarkZDanielewski and I think about the story quite often. That said, definitely isn’t for everyone!
My #7Books for the #7bookschallenge:
– The Familiar series by #MarkZDanielewski
– The Vohrr trilogy by #BrianCatling
– The Nocilla trilogy by #AgustínFernándezMallo
– The Book of Disquet by #FernandoPessoa
– Jude the Obscure by #ThomasHardy
– Infinite Jest by #DavidFosterWallace
– The Bell Jar by #SylviaPlath
+ so many more I want to include!
#7Books #7bookschallenge #markzdanielewski #BrianCatling #AgustínFernándezMallo #fernandopessoa #thomashardy #davidfosterwallace #SylviaPlath #booksofmastodon #books #bookstodon #literature
@jenjenreviews @bookrob13 Everytime I see a volume of The Familiar, I'm sad #MarkZDanielewski had to cancel the project. I was so into it.
And fave authors as hashtags: #AnneCarson #AzareenVanderVlietOloomi #DenisJohnson #ReneeGladman #MarciaDouglas #RodrigoFresán #DionneBrand #MarkZDanielewski #HalldórLaxness #BenLerner #bookstodon
#AnneCarson #azareenvandervlietoloomi #denisjohnson #reneegladman #marciadouglas #rodrigofresan #dionnebrand #markzdanielewski #halldorlaxness #benlerner #bookstodon
@albinokid Some of mine are #wgsebald #dietmardath #terrypratchett #rolandbarthes #franzkafka #olgaravn #philipkdick #markzdanielewski #ursulakleguin – and so many more! #bookstodon
#wgsebald #DietmarDath #terrypratchett #RolandBarthes #franzkafka #olgaravn #PhilipKDick #markzdanielewski #ursulakleguin #bookstodon
Fine, I'll get in on it! #Bookstodon
My favorites are:
My favorite Genres are:
What do I usually end up reading:
Favorite Designer:
#bookstodon #JimButcher #christophermoore #SergeiLukyanenko #markzdanielewski #PeterClines #seananmcguire #douglasadams #edgarallanpoe #urbanfantasy #horror #comedy #pulp #dresdenfiles #roleplayinggames #JohnHarper
#Bookstodon has asked what 5-7 of my favorite authors are. It’s difficult to keep it to 7, but -
#bookstodon #harukimurakami #matjohnson #darcycoates #markzdanielewski #margaretatwood #sinclairlewis #georgesaunders
#HouseOfLeaves by #markzdanielewski
#VerseAndVengeance by #AmandaFlower
Recently Finished:
#currentlyReading #houseofleaves #markzdanielewski #verseandvengeance #amandaflower #thewickedremain #deadgirlscanttellsecrets #goodgirlbadblood #asgoodasdead #thefinalgirlsupportgroup #bookstodon #books