ValTagliaferri · @valtagliaferri
67 followers · 795 posts · Server
Chris "$8 peasant" Jones · @cmsj
72 followers · 125 posts · Server

A huge proportion of the world depends on the firmware project.

A vanishingly minuscule proportion of the community is sponsoring Scott, the project's primary maintainer.

Do it!

#3dprinting #marlin

Last updated 1 year ago

Sgn98 (in Italiano) · @sgn98
1 followers · 15 posts · Server

che van in passato per risolver un caso per e fino a 12 ore, l’altra su dettata da loro stessi a Tip e Tap per una ricerca di scuola. Altre 3 su che detta la per impressionar la bella ed “invidiar” ; sul dettata da nipoti per incuorar Paperino d’affrontar i debiti e ; Paperino che sogna dopo il colpo in testa dal triplano rosso giocattolo dei nipoti. 400 pagine, carta indurita, costo d’epoca 9900 Lire (oggi 6,88 €).

#zapotec #marlin #colombo #paperino #mascheradiferro #gastone #4luglio #paperone

Last updated 1 year ago

Brian Jackson · @brian
1087 followers · 721 posts · Server

This weekend’s project, adding a touch sensor to my 3D printer so it can now automatically detect where the bed is and level itself. Definitely an advanced task that took months of prep before implementing it in a few hours today. From designing a custom mounting bracket, to running the wires, to adding custom JST connectors and then customizing the firmware to add the functionality. One of my favorite things is my printer printing parts for itself.

#3dprinting #diy #marlin #firmware

Last updated 1 year ago

Klas Kiecker · @klaskiecker
5 followers · 89 posts · Server
· @Ivan22
132 followers · 126 posts · Server
stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
317 followers · 1763 posts · Server

@thinkyhead @layers @marlinfirmware

I agree, but one thing to note is, is big, and you are big. You have a say and some power behind your voice, but smaller developers still suffer.

One thing that disgusts me is 3D printing companies just actually doing this.

In the popular series "Blue Bloods", Frank Regan said that it is so disgusting when a cop commits a crime, because cops should not be kept at the same standard as other people, but at a higher standard.

Now we have companies coming in here. Like , saying they love and they want you to create what you want at home and I would put money on it that would attempt a rip-off of or in the future for "open-source", but then they do stuff like this.

I honestly didn't know this about them. I was actually interested in buying their printer.


#marlin #foss #snapmaker #opensource #Printables #thingiverse #idex #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Ivan22
132 followers · 124 posts · Server

WIP of some big fish.

#shark #marlin #swordfish #fish #drawing

Last updated 1 year ago

Phil Haigh · @gulfie
82 followers · 1207 posts · Server

The sensor on my could yet be the death of me. Tried connecting it to two different sockets on the motherboard (BLTouch and Z-Stop) but still tells me it isn’t working properly.

#bltouch #3dprinter #marlin

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
307 followers · 1680 posts · Server


I personally have never owned or used a , so I can't be much help. But if you want, you can look into other methods that work with . It is far easier with Klipper than with . But it does depend on your setup and what you are willing to pay.

I personally like the clicky mod for Klipper, and it works with a bunch of setups.


#BLtouch #klipper #marlin #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
298 followers · 1609 posts · Server


I never compiled myself during 3 years. Was always through or slicer settings. The effort was just too much.



#marlin #gcode #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
298 followers · 1609 posts · Server


Yeah, I like the idea. I have a problem with a warped bed. It is just warped after a lot of usage, so I want to see if this solves my leveling problem.

I should however say, that was having problems with it, and my first layers were bad, but has fixed it. I think the mesh compensation is just better than in Marlin.


#marlin #klipper #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
299 followers · 1597 posts · Server
stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
295 followers · 1580 posts · Server


I thought that you might know and have some advice.

When I was running , I used a z-offset of about 0.2mm to 0.24mm depending on my nozzle size.

Now with :

1. I run HOME
4. Then I do the normal paper test. TESTZ Z=-.1 until I get it.

I get this: "probe: z_offset: -0.101" as my result.

When I print however I get the screenshot provided. The z-offset is shown as 0. My first layers are correct and my offset is correct, but it shows 0 here. Is this the "SET_GCODE_OFFSET" in ? Is it normal to have it as 0 and just have the prove offset set?

I think so, I am using a load cell, so my nozzle is my probe. So I think it is correct that my probe offset is and z-offset is the same?


#marlin #klipper #mainsail #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy Piper · @andypiper
3082 followers · 2763 posts · Server

@Stark9837 @3dprinting … ah, although it needs Klipper on the printer itself, and I’m not sure that’s possible with either machine (especially the K7 where they are unwilling to share the firmware source for my mainboard 😡)

#easythreed #marlin

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
285 followers · 1528 posts · Server

Although my switch from to wasn't an easy decision, the main thing that was holding me back was the loss of my display on my printer. But I finally made the switch yesterday.

I currently don't have the correct accelerometer, so I manually did all of the calibration.

I am blown away!

Although my can do with some improvement and I can't get it under 40 min, my other larger prints have been reduced by 3 or 4 hours. Which just goes to show how important geometry and size are in .

The quality is so much better, and my first layers are perfect.

The docs were excellent, and I basically just read them top to bottom and followed them to the t, and everything worked!


#marlin #klipper #benchy #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
283 followers · 1519 posts · Server


Although such as the and are , it is only due to the lisencing of the such as and .

So Creality released the sourcecode for the , be it with resistance, and after a while, because they had to because of .

However. For the hotend of the CR6SE the used a load cell sensor, which could only communicate with at that time if it wad emulated to bena different sensor, so they created an additional connected to the hotend that does this. Because this was their technology, it was colose source, and the cabling was also weird.

Then I think the had a USB-C cable for its hotendz, which seemed nice at the time, but it was a non-standard and closed source.



#3DPrinters #creality #ender3 #cr6se #opensource #firmware #marlin #klipper #sonicpad #pcb #artilleryhornet #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
282 followers · 1512 posts · Server


I stayed with this long, just out of comfort. Like, I just didn't want to make the move. But after building my automated enclosure and having my dedicated to it now, I could just as well.

Also, I have a , so with a bed slinger, I am anyway limited in speed and performance. I think I just tried it now because I have the know-how and experience.



#marlin #raspberrypi #creality #cr6se #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
282 followers · 1512 posts · Server


I actually installed and today after running for 3 years now.

I wanted the macros that came with Klipper, so I am excited to write my own color change macros now. Currently, all my scripts are in in the custom inputs.

So I have my work cut out for me.



#klipper #octoklipper #marlin #prusaslicer #gcode #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
282 followers · 1512 posts · Server


It will be interesting to see how they solved this and improved on it. That being said, it has also been years, and both and now have native support for it.


#marlin #klipper #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago