Sure hope noted Deadhead Greg Ginn got to see this marquee bitd. #marqueespotting
#marqueespotting at the watkins glen summer jam, this weekend in 1973. dunno the story, but many more in the new deadcast: cc @QueenCityJamz
The Ramones standing under the remains of the Fillmore East marquee. #marqueespotting
RIP Chris Cornell. Gone 6 yrs now. Here's the last Soundgarden marquee ever - 5/17/17 @ Fox Theatre in Detroit #marqueespotting
Phish Palace Theater Albany, NY
5/5-6/93 w/Col. Bruce (from Phish Archives) #marqueespotting
Wonder how many saw the Sound of Music matinee and came back for Dylan & the Hawks?? Liverpool Oden 1966 #marqueespotting
Madonna/Beastie Boys
June 6, 1985 Radio City Music Hall #marqueespotting
[📷 Josh Cheuse]
Sure hope there's a taper at the Iggy Pop & The Losers gig tonite in L.A. at the Regent. #marqueespotting
The Morrison Boys playing the Whisky a Go Go. Summer 1966
@HitsLocker v nice! If ya want you can add #marqueespotting to yer post so it join the rest!
Twiddle/Eggy Ogden Theater 3/11/23 #marqueespotting
Went and done did the Twiddle last nite. It was all Bryon's fault cuz he wanted to see Eggy. Thoroughly enjoyed both bands, esp Eggy. Forgot how much I love jamband light shows & vibez.
The Residents
Alex Theater Los Angeles, CA
June 18, 2022 #marqueespotting
"Ignorance of your culture is not cool"
The Numero Group Twenty Festival N1& N2
Palace Theater Los Angeles 2/19-20/23 #marqueespotting
20 yrs ago today, one of the most devastating marquees ever. #marqueespotting
J Geils Band / Billy Joel / Special Guest Captain Beefheart
Academy of Music nyc 1972
(Borrowed from Byron Coley's birdapp)