@MOULE Thanks for that. I've taken a moment to delete my tweets and unfollow everyone over yonder. I'm also removing followers. I keep deactivating and reactivating my account, rather than let them delete it for inactivity (and/or reuse my name).
It's been an interesting process. I originally joined the birdsite to promote my pop project. It was a VE R Y slow starter, so I got sucked in to political stuff - especially #marref 1/2
@Pineywoozle @AbandonedAmerica Oh I agree, and #LettersToVoters sounds brilliant. We had civil/human/equality campaigns here (in Ireland) for #MarRef #Repeal etc. Activists really used Tw well in getting the vote out, it was crucial I believe.
Also, I have 60+ hens, so gimme a break with the sweaters awright!
(Ahm, do you *Have a pattern*?)
#letterstovoters #marref #repeal
#Introduction. Right, so I’ve been involved in #feminist/#queer #activism since my teens e.g. #Repeal, #MarRef, founder-member of LINC (Cork LBT resource centre). I’m a literary scholar, researching/teaching #IrishStudies #Gender & #Sexuality studies at #UL (University of Limerick). I live with my community-worker partner in #WestCork (and yes, we grow our own veg); I’m a member of #ChoralConFusion, Cork’s #LGBT inclusive #choir and of #WestCorkKayakClub (slow-learner division).
#introduction #feminist #activism #repeal #marref #irishstudies #gender #sexuality #ul #westcork #ChoralConFusion #lgbt #choir #WestCorkKayakClub
#Introduction. Right, so I’ve been involved in #feminist/#queer #activism since my teens e.g. #Repeal, #MarRef, founder-member of LINC (Cork LBT resource centre). I’m a literary scholar, researching/teaching #IrishStudies #Gender & #Sexuality studies at #UL (University of Limerick). I live with my community-worker partner in #WestCork (and yes, we grow our own veg); I’m a member of #ChoralConFusion, Cork’s #LGBT #choir and of #WestCorkKayakClub (slow-learner division).
#introduction #feminist #activism #repeal #marref #irishstudies #gender #sexuality #ul #westcork #ChoralConFusion #lgbt #choir #WestCorkKayakClub
#marref & #repealedthe8th showed we are a far more progressive country than FF/FG think.
But we have to keep pushing them.
Cos nothing is revolutionary if it is unaccessible to the poor.