Huzzah! #Marrow Package 2.1.0 (Pethel) has been released and is now generally available on the Python Package Index (#pypi) and GitHub:
This #release includes minor bumps, corrections, and improvements to package automation, migrates to GitHub Actions for CI/CD, future-proofs by protecting against underscore-prefixed attribute access, reduces test fragility, and implements package-relative file path lookup.
New functionality is fully tested.
I see #interns not coming to duty and rather solving #marrow the whole day. Why is an exam so important? I'm not telling you not to study, studying is the very core of this field. But study with and from and for your patients, and that is impossible if you skip duty 2 solve mcqs.
This week-end will be a master class in giving oneself undue anxiety! There's no stress, it's #opensource! There are no deadlines! Ha! I can fix that!!!!!!!11one!11one
(Can you tell I'm excited?)
It's time for #Marrow to drop #Python 2. (Yes, I know, I'm late. Legacy projects exist.) The apps I care about at home and work are pinned as needed, and Python 2 namespace package "support" is hilarious.
Does it blend? It does not.
Do I even still need files?
450 ⁰F the whole tray of #root #vegetables - carrots , parsnips, turnips - go in with the marrow #bones that only need 20 mins, vegetables go another 20 mins (with cooked beets joining in for last 10).
#marrow #appetizer eaten with crackers while the vegetables get done.
#cooking #food #Appetizer #marrow #bones #vegetables #root