#MarsCon #MNastodon We found the ‘Everything, Everywhere, All the Time’ cosplayers! Rooting for #MichelleYeoh and company for the win! 👀
#marscon #MNastodon #MichelleYeoh
#MNastodon #Minnesota Anyone else headed to #Marscon in Minneapolis this weekend? We’ll have a Queen of Swords Press table and I’m on a couple of programming items. https://marscon.org/2023/index.php
#MNastodon #minnesota #marscon
The choice of Writer Guest of Honor at #MarsCon 2024 has resulted in an eruption of controversy. https://file770.com/the-culture-war-comes-to-marscon/
All your favorite local cons for 2023 in the @TwinCitiesGeek annual guide: #CONvergence #CONsoleRoom #ConOfTheNorth #VGMCon #SkalCon #Anime Fusion #MNPokéConMini #MarsCon #Minicon #4thStreetFantasy #2DCon #Diversicon and more
#MNastodon #Minnesota #TwinCitiesMN TwinCities #MSP
#anime #msp #twincitiesmn #minnesota #mnastodon #diversicon #2dcon #4thstreetfantasy #minicon #marscon #mnpokeconmini #skalcon #vgmcon #conofthenorth #consoleroom #convergence
I'm at #MarsCon 2019 this weekend in Williamsburg, VA! Not on any panels or programming myself for this one, just attending as a general participant. Recap of the two panels I attended today (Writing Military-Themed Science Fiction, and Moral Conflict in Genre Fiction) right here on the blog: http://www.naratnayake.com/2019/01/recap-of-marscon-2019-friday/
Anyone from the Shop planning to attend #MarsCon in Williamsburg VA this weekend? #scifi #fantasy #sff #cons #amwriting #amreading
#marscon #scifi #fantasy #sff #cons #amwriting #amreading