S'il y a bien un mouvement céleste à propos duquel tout le monde est d'accord depuis longtemps, c'est celui-là : la #Lune tourne autour de la #Terre ! Mais la sonde européenne #MarsExpress nous en offre une vue singulière avec cette série d'images prises en mai et juin.
[crédits : Esa - DLR - FU Berlin]
Icy Mars - Korolev Crater
Full size image: https://flic.kr/p/2oHZtEv
If you see this image in 16:9, it's much bigger than that :mastodon_oops:
Image created processing data from: https://archives.esac.esa.int
Mission: #ESA #MarsExpress
Instrument: HRSC
Orbit: 5726
Time: 2008-06-17
Product IDs:
#Mars #HopeProbe #Space #Spacetodon #Astrodon #Solarocks #Astronomy #Frostodon #Icetodon
Credit: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin/AndreaLuck
#esa #marsexpress #mars #HopeProbe #space #spacetodon #Astrodon #solarocks #astronomy #frostodon #icetodon
Mars Express - Preview (Animated Movie by Jérémie Périn)
Preview for a #French movie with high detail. Here, a law enforcement officer persues a target through skyscraper ledges.
Some real #GhostInTheShell inspiration here. But I am interested what this story is about.
#Animation #GitS #MarsExpress
#french #ghostintheshell #animation #gits #marsexpress
Missed the Mars Livestream? Here's the Video https://www.universetoday.com/161833/missed-the-mars-livestream-heres-the-video/ #visualmonitoringcamera(vmc) #livebroadcasts #marsexpress #marswebcam #mars
#visualmonitoringcamera #livebroadcasts #marsexpress #marswebcam #mars
Bild der Woche: Der Mars so bunt wie nie zuvor. Mars-Express-Kamera HRSC liefert globales Farbmosaik des Roten Planeten. #Mars #MarsExpress #HRSC
Wow this is amazing. An opportunity arose for #ESA to align the #MarsExpress probe's cameras with Mars and the antenna close to Earth so they could do the first live stream from #Mars, brilliant! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qyVNqeJ6wQ
Wow watching the the #MarsExpress YouTube livestream to celebrate the mission's 20th birthday was pretty awesome.
I just watched the live stream from #Mars sent by the #MarsExpress #MEX #ESA satellite, which celebrates its 20th birthday today!
Because of the distance, "real time" meant more than 16mins of signal delay, but in #Astronomy terms this is a live as it gets 😃
And I am honestly very touched because this project shows once again what we can achieve as mankind if we don't bash each other's heads in for a change but instead put our heads together and do #science
#science #astronomy #esa #Mex #marsexpress #mars
Zuzeneko emanaldia Martetik! ESAren #marsexpress zundak 20 urte bete dituela ospatzeko 5 minuturo zuzeneko irudi bat jasoko dugu.... 17 minutuko atzerapenarekin, argiaren abiaduraren gauzak direla eta https://www.youtube.com/live/4qyVNqeJ6wQ?feature=share
While we're waiting for the VMC to see more of Mars in the livestream here is a new mosaic of images from #MarsExpress' *science* camera HRSC in two versions, processed from what came with https://www.dlr.de/en/latest/news/2023/02/mars-in-colour-as-never-seen-before
#MarsExpress misioaren 20. urteurrena ospatzeko, zuzeneko emanaldi bat egingo du ESAk Martetik, 3 ordu barru.
(Berez, ez da zuzenean, argiak 17 minutu behar baititu Martetik Lurrera iristeko)
📺 Marte streaming bidez ikusteko:
Dossier der Woche: 20 Jahre Mars Express. Die europäische Marssonde und ihre Highlights. #MarsExpress #Mars #HRSC #ESA #Raumfahrt #Raumsonde #Marssonde
#marsexpress #mars #hrsc #esa #raumfahrt #Raumsonde #Marssonde
Tomorrow for one hour from 15:45 UTC images from the small engineering camera @esamarswebcam - yep, they've moved from Twitter to Mastodon! - on ESA's #MarsExpress will be webcast the moment they arrive on Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qyVNqeJ6wQ <- https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Operations/Tune_in_for_first_Mars_livestream (a unique event to celebrate the 20th 'birthday' of this remarkable Mars orbiter).
Tomorrow for one hour from 15:45 UTC images from the small engineering camera @esamarswebcam - yep, they've moved from Twitter to Mastodon! - on ESA's #MarsExpress will be webcast the moment they arrive on Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qyVNqeJ6wQ <- https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Operations/Tune_in_for_first_Mars_livestream (a unique event to celebrate the 20th 'birthday' of this remarkable Mars orbiter).
Icy swirls at Mars North Pole and Korolev Crater
Full size video: https://flic.kr/p/2oyC54v
Full zoomable image: (5800 × 3263): https://flic.kr/p/2oywri5
Image created processing data from: https://archives.esac.esa.int/psa
#ESA #MarsExpress - HRSC
Orbit: 15277 (2016-01-19)
#Mars #Space #Spacetodon #Astrodon #Solarocks #Astronomy
Credit: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin/AndreaLuck
#esa #marsexpress #mars #space #spacetodon #Astrodon #solarocks #astronomy
A transit of Phobos over Mars - Timbuktu Crater and Aurorae Chaos
Full size video: https://flic.kr/p/2ouEMag
Navigate full resolution image with name tags: https://flic.kr/p/2ofhAyW
Mission: #ESA #MarsExpress HRSC
Orbit 17436 - 2017-10-09
Animation created out of 2 real colourised frames taken with a 13 seconds gap.
1st Frame: HH436_0000_RE2 at 22:33:31
2nd Frame: HH436_0000_S23 at 22:33:44
#Mars #Space #Spacetodon #Astrodon #Solarocks #Astronomy
#esa #marsexpress #mars #space #spacetodon #Astrodon #solarocks #astronomy