Plotting and practicing to make some new guitar playing videos!! ❤️🔥🎸⚡️🔊✨ #gibsonbyrdland #marshallamps #bulletcable #suproamps #pignoseamps #onlyagibsonisgoodenough #gibson
#gibsonbyrdland #marshallamps #bulletcable #suproamps #pignoseamps #onlyagibsonisgoodenough #gibson
Spiritualized live alla Gaîté Lyrique a Parigi 🫠
#spiritualized #live #gaitelyrique #paris #spaceman #fenderthinline #marshallamps #rocknroll #psychedelic #ladiesandgentlemanwearefloatinginspace #concert
#spiritualized #live #gaitelyrique #paris #spaceman #fenderthinline #marshallamps #rocknroll #psychedelic #ladiesandgentlemanwearefloatinginspace #concert
I worked at Guitar Center for a while as a repair tech. One day, I got to do this.
Let's see your ridiculous guitar rigs!
#guitar #GuitarGear #GuitarRig #RidiculousGuitarRig #RigsOfDoom #PedalBoard #PedalBoard #BossHM2 #MarshallAmps #GuitarCenter
#guitar #guitarGear #guitarrig #ridiculousguitarrig #rigsofdoom #pedalboard #bosshm2 #marshallamps #guitarcenter
Merry Blue Christmas. Here is Angelo Badalamenti's Questions In A World Of Blue for you. RIP Angelo and Julee: I miss you both so much.
It would be nice to get some engagement on Mastodon for my music, because so far, that just isn't happening, with or without hashtags.
#TwinPeaks #Jazzmaster #Esquire #MarshallAmps #JuleeCruise #AngeloBadalamenti #guitar #music
Streaming link:
#twinpeaks #jazzmaster #esquire #marshallamps #JuleeCruise #AngeloBadalamenti #guitar #music
Is this completely unnecessary? Yes.
Is it awesome? Also yes.
#guitar #guitaramp #marshallamps #orangeamps #musicians