On April 18, City Council moved along the safety project for the 3-mile long Lincoln Avenue / Marshall Way / Pacific Avenue corridor. Karin K. Jensen reports that immediate action was approved for pedestrian safety improvements on Lincoln Avenue at Walnut Street.
#alameda #CityCouncil #MarshallWay #LincolnAvenue #PacificAvenue #AlamedaLanding #BikeWalkAlameda #AffordableHousing #LincolnMarshallPacificCorridor
#alameda #citycouncil #marshallway #lincolnavenue #pacificavenue #alamedalanding #bikewalkalameda #affordablehousing #lincolnmarshallpacificcorridor
The Transportation Commission and Parisi Transportation Consultants met to discuss updates and design concepts for the Lincoln/Marshall/Pacific Project proposal. Ken Der has the latest updates from meeting, including the Commission's feedback regarding proposed changes to the three-mile corridor.
#Alameda #Traffic #RoadDiet #BikeLanes #DavidParisi #MarshallWay #EighthStreet #WilmaChanWay #LincolnAvenue #PacificAvenue #ParisiTransportationConsulting
#alameda #traffic #roaddiet #bikelanes #davidparisi #marshallway #eighthstreet #wilmachanway #lincolnavenue #pacificavenue #parisitransportationconsulting