Environmental disaster in the land of the Marsh Arabs https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/29/death-in-the-marshes-environmental-calamity-hits-iraqs-unique-wetlands #ClimateCrisis #Iraq #MarshArabs
#climatecrisis #iraq #marsharabs
"It used to be like heaven":
#PhotoEssay on the Iraqi wetlands decimated by the #ClimateCrisis :
"The people of the Hawizeh marshes of southern Iraq have an ancient history living in the world’s most unique and biodiverse #wetlands. The region has been reduced to near-desert as a result of the climate crisis, devastated by #drought and man-made dams. Thousands of families are having to leave."
#Iraq #MarshArabs #biodiversity
#photoessay #climatecrisis #wetlands #drought #iraq #marsharabs #biodiversity
‘It used to be like heaven’: the Iraq wetlands decimated by the climate crisis – in pictures
#marsharabs #drought #climatechange #climatecrisis #iraq