Curiosity rover's latest workspace imaged on mission sol 3934 (August 31, 2023) after a drive of 25.45 meters (83.50 ft). Map & Drive data attached
#CuriosityRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #workspace #data #map #BayerReconstructed
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #workspace #data #map #bayerreconstructed
🚀🔴 Mars nous sourit !🔴🚀
Nous sommes comblés de joie ! Notre dernière vidéo sur Mars a dépassé les 2500 vues, et cela grâce à vous, notre incroyable communauté ! 🌌🔭
#Mars #Exploration #Espace #ASoundMR #Curiosité #Astronomie #Communauté #Découvertes #Universe #SpaceExploration #MarsRover #2500Vues
#mars #exploration #espace #asoundmr #curiosite #astronomie #communaute #decouvertes #universe #spaceexploration #marsrover #2500vues
Curiosity rover's current workspace imaged on mission sol 3931 (August 29, 2023) after a drive of 64.6 meters (212 ft). The composite image was assembled from six overlapping left-side MastCam frames. It covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. Also provided is the updated traverse map and the drive data.
#CuriosityRover #Mars #Marsrover #space #MSICE #Workspace
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #msice #workspace
Houston, tenemos ya armado el #Perseverance #MarsRover de #LEGO!
Un modelo con muchos detalles técnicos, como movimiento coordinado de sus ruedas, posicionamiento de su brazo de exploración, etc. Si consideran que el teclado de mi #ipad que se ve al fondo es tamaño carta, se darán una idea aproximada de su tamaño.
#perseverance #marsrover #lego #ipad
Voici la baie pour alimenter électriquement le rover MAGGIE. Il y a la même pour OPTIMISM. Et en cas de problème, il y a toujours le bouton d'arrêt d'urgence ! 🚨 15/37
#Curiosity #marsrover #CuriosityRover #PerseveranceRover #NASA #JPL
#curiosity #marsrover #curiosityrover #perseverancerover #nasa #jpl
Depuis quelques années, la perceuse de Curiosity ne fonctionne plus aussi bien et la poussière prélevée ne peut plus passer par le tube. Pour la distribuer aux labos SAM et CheMin, le rover met sa perceuse au-dessus des orifices et la secoue. 14/37
#Curiosity #marsrover #CuriosityRover #NASA #JPL
#curiosity #marsrover #curiosityrover #nasa #jpl
J'ai pu tenir en main un exemplaire d'ingénierie de la perceuse de Curiosity. C'est lourd ! On voit le tube par lequel le matériau prélevé va dans SAM ou CheMin. La dernière photo montre des tests de forage. Un trou fait le diamètre de l'auriculaire. 13/37
#Curiosity #marsrover #CuriosityRover #NASA #JPL
#curiosity #marsrover #curiosityrover #nasa #jpl
Un Thomas pour se rendre compte de la taille du rover MAGGIE. 12/37
#Curiosity #marsrover #CuriosityRover #NASA #JPL
#curiosity #marsrover #curiosityrover #nasa #jpl
C'est cadeau : 3 autres photos de MAGGIE. Sur la dernière, on réalise la longueur du câble électrique qui alimente le rover, véritable cordon ombilical qui lui permet de se déplacer sur le Mars Yard. 11/37
#Curiosity #marsrover #CuriosityRover #NASA #JPL
#curiosity #marsrover #curiosityrover #nasa #jpl
J'ai pas mal mitraillé MAGGIE, en voici quelques photos :
- une vue comme MAHLI en prend pour voir sous le pont
- le mât (pas de MastCam ici)
- les instruments au bout du bras
- la cible de calibration de MAHLI
#Curiosity #marsrover #CuriosityRover #NASA #JPL
#curiosity #marsrover #curiosityrover #nasa #jpl
Mars Guy - Episode 125
Mountain Climbing Rover Forced Off Course:
The Curiosity rover has been struggling on its journey up a Mars mountain. After repeated efforts to drive up a steep slope covered in sand and large rocks, it was forced to make a detour that took six weeks to complete.
#CuriosityRover #PerseveranceRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #YouTube
#curiosityrover #perseverancerover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #youtube
A short drive for Curiosity rover provides the science team with another set of potential rock targets in the rover's robotic arm workspace. The mosaic is assembled from 6 overlapping mast camera images from sol 3928 (August 25, 2023). For scale the scene is approximately 2 meters across.
The drive data is also attached, and a montage of screen captures from the MSL mission traverse map.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS
#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #msice #workspace
Curiosity's workspace after a bump (short drive) on August 21, 2023 / sol 3924. This mosaic was assembled from 6 overlapping Bayer reconstructed L-MastCam images. It covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. The mosaic features some small boulders from the Gediz Vallis ridge. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#CuriosityRover #Mars #Marsrover #rover #space #Bayerfilter #MSICE
#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #rover #space #bayerfilter #msice
Not all workspaces are created equal. This is Curiosity Rover's robotic arm workspace today on Mars after a short drive. Image captured by one of its front hazard avoidance cameras at site 103/1598 (August 21, 2023). Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#CuriosityRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #Science #workspace
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #workspace
A close-up of a panorama taken by the Curiosity rover’s Mastcam at a Martian site called Pontours reveals hexagonal patterns — outlined in red in the same image, right — that suggest these mud cracks formed after many wet-dry cycles occurring over years. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/IRAP)
#space #mars #nasa #marsRover
Curiosity rover's latest workspace, imaged on mission sol 3921 (August 18, 2023). This processed composite image is assembled from six overlapping left-side MastCam frames. It covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science
Perseverance rover performing a close inspection of the bedrock on August 20, 2023 (Sol 888) at site 44/0. Image acquired by one of the front hazard avoidance cameras. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#perseverancerover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science
The discovery of polygons and alternating wet-dry cycles on Mars sheds light on the planet’s climate and raises the possibility of alien life.
Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS
#space #mars #nasa #marsRover
"The discovery of polygons and alternating wet-dry cycles on Mars sheds light on the planet’s climate and raises the possibility of alien life." Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS
#space #mars #nasa #marsRover
Oldest is at Canadian International Rover Challenge in #Drumheller this weekend.
A #robotics competition for university #engineering students in which they construct a Mars Rover and perform various tasks with it to win!
She’s representing #McGill
#drumheller #robotics #engineering #mcgill #marsrover #circ