Love this. Reminds me of Kim Stanley Robinson's ideas in a few of his novels that sails could again play a part in global shipping, in a slower and more sensible future. (Along with the return of dirigibles in the air.)
#tech #future #MarsTrilogy #MinistryForTheFuture #kimstanleyrobinson #scifi #sailing #climatechange
#tech #future #marstrilogy #ministryforthefuture #kimstanleyrobinson #scifi #sailing #climatechange
And the South Pole:
Anyone reading Kim Stanley Robinson's "Mars Trilogy" or any part of it quickly realizes that while the novels are full of technical details, there are very few maps and those that exist are very coarse.
So, here are 4 Mercator and 1 polar maps showing cities, places and plot info, created while I was reading the novels. The background is a USGS Topographical Map from Wikipedia:
Suggestions and corrections (with references) are welcome!
#ksr #marstrilogy #space #mars
Which #SpaceOpera below is best?
#Teixcalaan (think #AMemoryCalledEmpire) by #ArkadyMartine
#RemembranceOfEarthsPast (AKA #TheThreeBodyProblem) by #LiuCixin
#HyperionCantos by #DanSimmons
#MarsTrilogy by #KimStanleyRobinson
Or paste this link in your search and vote.
#ScienceFiction #Scifi
#spaceopera #teixcalaan #amemorycalledempire #arkadymartine #remembranceofearthspast #thethreebodyproblem #liucixin #hyperioncantos #dansimmons #marstrilogy #kimstanleyrobinson #sciencefiction #scifi
Friends! The #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera Series Challenge continues!
Which of the following choices is the best? Vote below.
#Teixcalaan (think #AMemoryCalledEmpire) by #ArkadyMartine
#RemembranceOfEarthsPast (AKA #TheThreeBodyProblem) by #LiuCixin
#HyperionCantos by #DanSimmons
#MarsTrilogy by #KimStanleyRobinson
If you're NOT on the Mastodon.Social instance, you can access the poll from your instance. Just search for my profile and look for the pinned toot!
#liucixin #hyperioncantos #dansimmons #marstrilogy #kimstanleyrobinson #sciencefiction #spaceopera #teixcalaan #amemorycalledempire #arkadymartine #remembranceofearthspast #thethreebodyproblem
I'm 50% through Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson, narrated by Richard Ferrone. And it is getting strange... Very strange 😁😸 still slow and schemy and politics and drama... But very captivating. Although there are plenty of ... Like sci-fi anachronisms? Like having weak AI, but still driving/flying by hand or guide beacons. Simulating atomospheres and weather patterns... But still plotting it on graph paper. Its fun and refreshing to miss alot of the modern #scifi tropes #marstrilogy