"Der Osten: Eine westdeutsche Erfindung" - Dirk Oschmann bei "ttt" https://www.lesering.de/id/4909561/Der-Osten-Eine-westdeutsche-Erfindung---Dirk-Oschmann-bei-ttt/ #DerOsten:einewestdeutscheErfindung #Titelthesentemperamente #GerechtigkeitfürTiere #MarthaNussbaum #DirkOschmann #Tipps #Tipps #Ttt
#ttt #tipps #dirkoschmann #marthanussbaum #gerechtigkeitfurtiere #titelthesentemperamente #derosten
#justiceforanimals #marthanussbaum #animalrights
#JusticeForAnimals #marthanussbaum #animalrights
I listened to an excellent interview with Martha Nussbaum earlier today, exploring her new book Justice for Animals. It's on Adam Conover's podcast, Factually!
I think Nussbaum is incredible. I referred to her work a number of times during my PhD studies and I'm always in awe of the breadth and depth of her writings on ethics. I'm going to have to pick up a copy of this book - it sounds very compelling.
#MarthaNussbaum #AdamConover #AnimalEthics #Philosophy #Ethics
#marthanussbaum #AdamConover #animalethics #philosophy #ethics
Distinguished professor of law and philosophy #MarthaNussbaum says, “There’s a lot of evidence that animals have complicated behaviors—social behaviors that are learned, not just genetic. They are like humans—they develop their behaviors through learning… [Animals are] much more like humans than we thought.”
#marthanussbaum #AnimalCognition #animalrights #govegan #justiceforanimals
Which should I read?
#LindaAlcoff (2005) Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self
#JudithButler (2022) The Force of Nonviolence: The Ethical in the Political
#BenjaminLipscomb (2021) The Women are up to Something: How Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley, and Iris Murdoch Revolutionized Ethics
#KateManne (2018) Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny
#MarthaNussbaum (2021) Citadels of Pride: Sexual Abuse, Accountability, and Reconciliation
#lindaalcoff #judithbutler #benjaminlipscomb #katemanne #marthanussbaum