Back to the beginning...
Check out #MansfieldMysteries #TeaserTuesday all the way from our first mystery & then dip into the rest of 'To The Depths' like a refreshing drink - Pool! I mean, pool!
#mansfieldmysteries #teasertuesday #campy #audiodrama #cozymystery #martinismotivesandmurder
One more day until the weekend! Be sure to stop at the store for your cocktail mixers & then curl up with our lighthearted, hilarious murder whodunit!
#TeamMystery #ThirstyThursday #AudioDrama #IndiePodcast #Cozy #CozyMysteries #CozyMysterySeries #Campy #MartinisMotivesAndMurder
#teammystery #thirstythursday #audiodrama #indiepodcast #cozy #cozymysteries #cozymysteryseries #campy #martinismotivesandmurder
Just how we like our cozy mysteries...
We hope you're having a fabulous Sunday, finding wonderful podcasts dive into, & that next week is even better than your last! To the depths!!
#AudioDrama #AudioDramaSunday #CozyMystery #CozyMysteries #CozyMysterySeries #PodNation #PodernFamily #MansfieldMysteries #MartinisMotivesAndMurder
#audiodrama #audiodramasunday #cozymystery #cozymysteries #cozymysteryseries #podnation #podernfamily #mansfieldmysteries #martinismotivesandmurder
Merry Christmas from the #MansfieldMysteries family! 💋🍸
& Merry Christmas to us as well - for reaching over 4000 listeners in 4 months! Thank you for making our little show a part of your day!
#AudioDrama #CozyMysteries #ChristmasCocktails #Comedy #MartinisMotivesAndMurder
#mansfieldmysteries #audiodrama #cozymysteries #christmascocktails #comedy #martinismotivesandmurder