About the jurists "quibbling over words" who "did not want to understand one another" #MartinLuther referred to them as, "'plagues of the human race'" p 373, vol. 3
I guess it's always been a thing to dislike lawyers...
"At sixty-three years of age he considered himself a very old man. For him, his sense of age came from having 'seen the devil's ass' and from being able to testify to his wickedness." p. 372 vol. 3
Let's be real "Saw the Devil's Ass" might be a great last few words for the world to see when they visit your headstone...
Bullinger, however, believed a confrontation was unavoidable if Luther insisted on his unjust condemnation of the Zurich clergy. With the same intention as Bucer, John Calvin in Geneva also contacted Melanchthon and found understanding with him. The Genevan reformer had already entered Luther’s field of view in 1539. Only a year later Luther was accurately noting Calvin’s learnedness, but also that there were differences between them on the Lord’s Supper. In this respect he remained suspect for Luther.” p. 328 vol. 3
"The Wittenberg theologians thought nothing would come of new efforts to win the English king [King Henry VIII]. They thought he was stubborn and acting contrary to his conscience with his new religious politics. They clearly saw that Henry's ecclesiastical decisions were made only for political reasons and that he interpreted the truth however he pleased. In a case like this there was no sense in instructing him theologically; at most they could consider sending another admonition, which was then written by Melanchthon." p. 63 vol. 3
Zwingli on Luther and Luther's relationship with the Swiss in the early 1530s specifically about the eucharist, "Not everything 'that Luther poops is a rose.'" p. 40 Vol. 3
qtd in #MartinBrecht #MartinLuther
A brief evening prayer from Luther, "'My dear God, now I lie down and turn your affairs back to you; you may do better with them. If you can do no better than I, you will ruin them entirely. When I awake, I will gladly try again.'" p. 14 (Vol 3)
About preaching simply and "not for the scholars", "'In the pulpit one should bare one's breast and give the people milk to drink, for eery day a new church is growing up, and it needs the rudiments.'" pg. 13, vol 3
"When Luther received the sad news of his Father's death, he took his Psalter, withdrew into his bedroom, gave vent to his grief, and cried himself out. He recalled the love he had received from his father, whom he thanked for 'what I am and have.' He comforted himself in the knowledge that Hans Luther had seen the true light and had fallen asleep in Christ; nevertheless in this event he experienced a bit of his own death. Now he was the eldest in the family, and he would have to follow his father through death to Christ. It was several days before he got over the loss." p. 378 vol. 2
“Although Luther did not consider himself a politician, he could not evade political questions and decisions, and he had to take a position on them from his theological perspective. In this way he exercised a considerable influence upon Elector John and thus influenced the course of events. In itself, this influence is not surprising. It occurred by itself, so to speak, within the internal politics of Electoral Saxony, because Luther was asked to intervene with the elector in many situations. His letters to Elector John and to other influential personalities show that frequently he stood up for those who were legally disadvantaged, abused, persecuted, or in need, and that often he advocated not only legal solutions, but also ‘fair’ ones. One of the obligations placed upon a Christian—one that corresponded with God’s mercy—was to moderate the law’s severity.” vol 2 p. 352
Martin Luther out of context: "It must be regarded as a pure work and a pure heart when a servant in the household does a dirty and repulsive job, like hauling manure or washing and cleaning children."
(American edition, volume 21, page 32-33)
"There are many bigwigs for whom The business of writing is a hateful thing because they do not know, or do not consider, that it is a divine office and work. They do not see how necessary and useful it is to the world." - Martin Luther, Sermon on Keeping Children in School.
#writing #school #education #martinluther
“De Servo Arbitrio was not thought of as a total renunciation of humanism, nor was it understood that way by learned contemporaries. Humanism continued to thrive within whatever arena the Reformation side or the Catholic side assigned it. More radical attacks against Luther arose only when modern man began to go beyond Christian humanism and make man the measure of all things. In this process Luther’s alternative lost none3 of its inexorability, unless it might have been that people then ignored it. Whether it was possible to do so without doing harm to humanity is something that today is worth thinking about once again.” p. 235; vol 2
One of my favorite quotes from #MartinLuther taken at museum in Germany.
It is a swell reminder that God doesn’t always go the way we may want God to go.
Interview17. Juni 1953: „Das war absolut unglaublich!“ https://jungefreiheit.de/debatte/interview/2023/334592-17-juni-1953/ #TagderDeutschenEinheit #WolfgangLiebehenschel #Volksaufstand #MartinLuther #17.Juni1953 #Interview #DDR
#ddr #interview #martinluther #volksaufstand #wolfgangliebehenschel #tagderdeutscheneinheit
Luther about himself, "'I am hotheaded and use a not exactly blunt pen'" p. 364 vol. 1
#MartinBrecht on #MartinLuther's accessible preaching and writing and the intersection of both (1520)
Ich hatte viele Sachen in meinen Händen die ich verlor.Die Sachen die ich in Gottes Hände legte, blieben mir.
Frederick the Wise has some chops.
#reformationhistory #martinbrecht #martinluther