The City Of Aberdeen has drafted and plans on voting on this horrible anti-homeless ordinance aimed directly at the members of this network. Please call and email city council this week and tell them that this ordinance must not pass.
#MutualAid #HousingNotHandcuffs #martinvboise
Hey any of y'all who work with #unhoused folks in #NYC know what this "legal mandate" to provide shelter is referring to (since I know it's not #MartinVBoise), asking for DC https://www.syracuse.com/us-news/2023/05/new-york-converts-hotels-to-shelters-for-asylum-seekers-as-title-42-ends.html
#Homelessness #AsylumSeekers
#unhoused #nyc #martinvboise #homelessness #asylumseekers
Anyone know a specific group or law firm working on developing suits around #MartinVBoise and camping ordinances when there are no available beds or warming shelters even? #StopTheSweeps