Yesterday's Google Doodle featured Martu author, Doris Pilkington Garimara (1937 - 2014)
So proud of what my Aunty achieved. And my cousin's words in this link makes me even prouder >
Image by Warumungu/Wombaya artist Jessica Johnson.
@indigenousauthors #IndigenousAuthors #Indigenous #Aboriginal #Martu #HonouringAncestors #StolenGenerations
#indigenousauthors #indigenous #aboriginal #martu #honouringancestors #stolengenerations
Today I'm sharing Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters, edited by Margo Ngawa Neale.
Prof Neale is Head of Indigenous Knowledge Curatorial Centre, National Museum of Australia. This large format book is based on a past exhibition of the same name. I was fortunate to have seen this exhibition a few years ago.
Martu, Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantatjara and Yankunytjatjara peoples participated in this expansive art, storytelling and knowledge project.
First Peoples around the globe hold knowledges and stories of the Pleiades constellation. For many, they're the Seven Sisters. Stories connect us.
Find out more about the exhibition, see some of the artwork, and watch the interactive multimedia here >
After touring Australia from 2017, it headed to Europe. Was in Berlin this year, and France in 2023.
#Martu #Anangu #IndigenousKnowledges #AboriginalSonglines #FirstPeoples #FirstStorytellers #AboriginalArt
#martu #anangu #IndigenousKnowledges #aboriginalsonglines #firstpeoples #firststorytellers #aboriginalart