Gestern auf dem Rückweg von der ACK-Kommissionssitzung, über 500 J. #Täuferbewegung habe ich bei Rottenburg Halt gemacht und den Gedenkstein für Margaretha &Michael Sattler besucht. Sie wurden 1527 für ihre radikale Jesus-Nachfolge von der Habsburgischen Obrigkeit verhaftet, grausam gefoltert, hingerichtet. Margaretha ertränkt, Michael #Sattler verbrannt. Die Schleitheimer Artikel, Briefe und die Prozessakten sind berührende Zeugnisse ihres tiefen Glaubens.
#tauferbewegung #sattler #martyrs
Reheval Rêzan, You Became One With the Free Mountains
#hpg #pkk #martyrs #rehvalrezan
St Edith Stein tells us that Muslim persecution led to the migration of the Carmelites from Palestine to Europe. Today we recall the martyrdom of the last Carmelite hermits on Mount Carmel in 1291. Check out our blog to learn more!
And finally, the last part (!) of the #learningprocess for #martyrs by #soen 😂 🥵
As always, #headphones or #speakers are recommended
#fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
#learningprocess #martyrs #soen #headphones #speakers #fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
Israeli #anarchist #May Day #poster with #info #about the #Haymarket #martyrs.
#Anarchist #May #poster #info #about #haymarket #martyrs
Almost finished, I promise! 😂
Fifth part of the #learningprocess for #martyrs by #soen
As always, #headphones or #speakers are recommended
#fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
#learningprocess #martyrs #soen #headphones #speakers #fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
I'm starting to think that for the next song, I might share some highlights (mistakes 😆) only, as the full song split into 1-minute shorts takes too long (the irony) 😃
So this is part 4 of my #learningprocess for #martyrs by #soen
#fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
#learningprocess #martyrs #soen #fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
#Holocaust #Martyrs' and #Heroes' #Remembrance Day 2023 focuses on the #Jewish Resistance during the Holocaust: Marking 80 Years since the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
#Shoa #HolocaustMartyrsAndHeroesRemembranceDay #YadVashem #Israel #neverforget
#holocaust #martyrs #heroes #remembrance #jewish #shoa #holocaustmartyrsandheroesremembranceday #yadvashem #israel #neverforget
A solemn farewell ceremony held for the martyrs of the Anti-Terrorism Units (YAT) in the city of Al-Hasaka #manshet #martyrs #news
Third part of the #learningprocess for #martyrs by #soen
As always, #headphones or #speakers are recommended
#fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
#learningprocess #martyrs #soen #headphones #speakers #fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
International Martyrs of the Revolution: Ivana Hoffman
#kurdistan #Rojava #martyrs #ivanahoffman
Second part of my #learningprocess for #martyrs by #soen
As always, #headphones or #speakers are recommended
#fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
#learningprocess #martyrs #soen #headphones #speakers #fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
Recently I published a series of #shorts in a new format (for me).
The format is a #learningprocess, eventually a first one-take-playthrough with captions, describing my feelings and thoughts, including failures and mistakes 😆
The first song used was #martyrs by #soen.
I thought it might be interesting somehow 🙃
As always, #headphones or #speakers are recommended
#fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
#shorts #learningprocess #martyrs #soen #headphones #speakers #fakehomestudio #recording #studio #dirilcymbals #diril #drums #drumkit #drummer #dreadlocks #music
Today in Labor History March 18, 1834: The authorities sentenced Six farm laborers from Tolpuddle, Dorset, England to be transported to Australia for forming a trade union. In April, 30,000 workers marched in support of the deportees. The Tolpuddle struggle, which began in 1832, marked the beginning of British trade unionism. The workers were fighting for an end to the “Combination Laws,” which outlawed the formation of unions. The Tolpuddle Martyrs were pardoned in 1836, thanks to the popular protests.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Tolpuddle #martyrs #union #britain #australia #deportation
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Tolpuddle #martyrs #union #britain #australia #deportation
In "The Hunting of the Snark", Lewis Carroll (Reverend C.L. Dodgson) might have used the "Baker" as a reference to Thomas Cranmer.
In line 241 the Baker says: "You may charge me with murder..." I think that Carroll had mixed feelings about Cranmer.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark | #LewisCarroll | #ThomasCranmer | #AnneBoleyn | #CatherineHoward | #JoanBocher | #AnnaCantiana | #martyrs
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #lewiscarroll #ThomasCranmer #AnneBoleyn #catherinehoward #joanbocher #annacantiana #martyrs
LINDSAY SCHOOLCRAFT Talks Solo Career And CRADLE OF FILTH In New Career-Spanning Video Interview
The Art Of Metal has shared a career-spanning video featuring former Cradle Of Filth keyboardist / backing vocalist Lindsay Schoolcraft. Check it out below. "Lindsay is a Juno nominated, multi-instrumentalist...
#LindsaySchoolcraft #SoloCareer #COF #Bravewords #MetalMeltdown #TracksFromTheCrypt #Martyrs #CradleOfFilth #VideoInterview
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #lindsayschoolcraft #solocareer #cof #metalmeltdown #tracksfromthecrypt #martyrs #cradleoffilth #videointerview
#Martyrs (Original von 2008) ist der heftigste Film, den ich bisher gesehen habe. Es gab zwei Stellen, da war ich kurz davor abzubrechen. Zweite Hälfte dann etwas "ruhiger", aber bleibt dennoch schwer erträglich.
‼️There are still "#martyrs" in the airspace of the #Dnipropetrovsk region, - the head of the Dnipropetrovsk council.
#martyrs #dnipropetrovsk #ukraine
Our comrade Rojhat Hasaka joins our immortal martyrs #Statements #manshet #martyrs