27. Game you'd like a new edition of?
Dream Case: #MarvelHeroicRoleplaying. I know it will never happen, which is why it's my "dream case," but I'd love to see a new edition with more "Events." My favorite licensed superhero game ever.
Honorable Mention: #Shadowrun by someone other than Catalyst. Only slightly more likely to happen than my "dream case", still an extreme longshot.
#rpgaday2023 #marvelheroicroleplaying #shadowrun
@ChaskaTheMagicDog currently playing #MarvelHeroicRoleplaying and #DresdenFilesRPG ; hell yeah I would recommend these games to anyone. These are near the top of my all-time favorites list.
Currently planning to run #TerminatorRPG game, "Scoundrels in Paradise". Human Resistance Fighters in the 90s doing "slice of life" survival. Game starts in early 1997.
#marvelheroicroleplaying #dresdenfilesrpg #terminatorrpg
Currently playing #MarvelHeroicRoleplaying on #RPOL; the Watcher has kindly allowed me to play one of my favorite characters: April "Mayhem" (or "Auntie M") Parker as of... approximately fifteen minutes after her death in Spider-Girl: the End. (In a different timeline.)
Currently playing #DresdenFilesRPG in my living room. Playing freelance Special Agent Lindburgh, alien hybrid/faerie changeling infiltrator, memetic sex god. Only his friends call him "Chuck".
#marvelheroicroleplaying #rpol #dresdenfilesrpg
Oh, a lot of franchises that people like to "translate" to D&D already have their own official RPGs. They vary in quantity, but there's usually some effort to make the system fit the fiction, rather than trying to wrap the frayed hide of the fiction around the system.
#DresdenFilesRPG ; #MarvelSuperheroes (FASERIP) #MarvelHeroicRoleplaying ;
#Avatar the Last Airbender ; #TerminatorRPG ; #DragonAge ; #TheWitcherRPG ; #CallofCthulhu ;
#dresdenfilesrpg #MarvelSuperHeroes #marvelheroicroleplaying #avatar #terminatorrpg #dragonage #TheWitcherRPG #callofcthulhu