Our end of the year wrap up continues. 40 years (March 1982), Issue #1 of Warrior was released in the UK. Among the stories were the first chapters of Marvelman (Miracleman in the US) and V For Vendetta. #80s #80scomics #Marvelman #Miracleman #VforVendetta #AlanMoore
#alanmoore #vforvendetta #miracleman #marvelman #80scomics #80s
Alan Moore’s Miracleman explored the political, economic, and social consequences of having superheroes in the world. The scene where Miracleman makes it clear to then-prime minister Margaret Thatcher how things are going to be from now on is one of my favorite pages in comics. At best, ordinary people are like beloved children or pets. #alanmoore #miracleman #marvelman #superheroes #comics
#alanmoore #MIRACLEMAN #marvelman #superheroes #comics
Ciao a tutti! Questo #ThrowbackThursday vi pongo una domanda: avete mai letto #MiracleMan? Vi siete mai goduti un opera tanto particolare quanto profonda? Consiglio di leggerlo, ne vale la pena.
#marvelman #kimota #comics #illustration #traditionalart #fanart
#throwbackthursday #MIRACLEMAN #marvelman #kimota #comics #illustration #TraditionalArt #FanArt
Dammit, I keep forgetting: #writingcommunity #writing #amwriting #fantasy #magic #comics #superhero #marvelman #miracleman
See above!
#MIRACLEMAN #marvelman #superhero #comics #magic #fantasy #amwriting #writing #writingcommunity