Loop8 still looking interesting
Lol at showing nothing for Project Magia but the Mashima-designed characters (which are super ugly)
Not sure about pushing the multiplayer aspect of Fashion Dreamer and the next Story of Seasons so much, but chonky pets!
📅 #EVENTOS: #MarvelousGameShowcase 📰
#marvelouseurope emitirá su primer evento en directo a las 12 de la noche. ¡Estad atentos!
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/05/marvelous-game-showcase-comienza-en.html
#️⃣Tags: #acción #aventura #jrpg #anime #storyofseasons #RuneFactory #XSEEDGames
#eventos #marvelousgameshowcase #marvelouseurope #tags #accion #aventura #jrpg #anime #storyofseasons #runefactory #xseedgames