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#5settembre #marvelsnap
#avengers #marvel #superhero #shorts #5settembre #marvelsnap
HOT TAKE: X-23 desperately needs a nerf. She's absolutely broken at this point. #MarvelSnap
Is it just me or have the Collector's Reserves been terrible lately? Pointless avatars, stupid titles and boosters for cards you don't even play. #MarvelSnap
So uh, interesting glitch tonight when Spider-Ham pig-ifes a card.
Oh look who's coming out of the deck right on turn 4 yet again, with his sly grin and cheeky wave.
The Leech card uses a font that makes me immediately think of a comic called Leech and Wong: Up In Smoke.
You know, like Cheech and... yah never mind
#Marvel #Comics #MarvelSnap
Damn didn't realise discard deck is this popular, 4 out of 5 games so far I ran into Death and Knull #MarvelSnap #mobilegaming #gaming
#marvelsnap #mobilegaming #gaming
Bruh they’ve messed up with these new Spidey changes in #MarvelSnap 😂 the king of move!!!
It’s been a while since I tried a new deck. Casually getting the hang of this now #MarvelSnap
Wooohooo finally hit my first omega!! #MarvelSnap #gaming #MobileGaming
#marvelsnap #gaming #mobilegaming
I don't know if anyone else plays Marvel Snap, but it's a fun little game. If you do play it, I just scored 832 on one area, which is just stupid. At least 800 more than an average score. I wonder now what the highest possible score is.
Dude in #MarvelSnap stacked one lane with Wolverine and Nova before playing Wave and giving the Ms Marvel thumbs up. I was up by 9-0 in the other lane and down 3-0 on the other so I immediately knew Galactus was coming. Thankfully, I had Death in my hand and played her on the 3-0 lane. Sure enough, they played Galactus to no avail. Now it was my turn to Ms Marvel thumbs up and they retreated. Pure Schadenfreude.
Omg I hope Will Smith doesn't find this person and slap them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #MarvelSnap
Double dipping in #marvelsnap, but it only works if you haven't updated the client yet. Do NOT open these collection reserves, and then update afterward.
That's three seasons in a row I have hit infinite in #MarvelSnap. I'm feeling confident in my talents!
Seriously?! All but one are pixels?!
FINALLY!! A gold split!! And with bonus Kirby Krackle!!