779 words today after all, didn't think I'd get there.
#writerscommunity #amwriting #marwritingchallenge
Relaxing for a few minute with a cup of tea. Once the kids are out the door, I've got a little bit of time for writing before I head to work.
#amwriting #marwritingchallenge
793 words today total for #marwritingchallenge #amwriting #onlinewritinglog
Oh and check out the exported "todays progress badge" from the Online Writing Log. :)
#onlinewritinglog #amwriting #marwritingchallenge
Another 793 words today before work. This might turn into a habit after all :)
#amwriting #marwritingchallenge
Ok, starting the week with 1062 words before I'm heading to work this morning. That's exactly what I was hoping to do when I got up at 5am this morning. Plus, catching up from my less than productive weekend.
#amwriting #marwritingchallenge
Ok, starting the week with 1062 words before I'm heading to work this morning. That's exactly what I was hoping to do when I got up at 5am this morning. Plus, catching up from my less than productive weekend.
#amwriting #marwritingchallenge
566 words to start the day #MarWritingChallenge #amwriting
#amwriting #marwritingchallenge
Time for my morning #marwritingchallenge writing session before I head to work!
I'm skipping writing tonight...need to tweak the Online Writing Log a bit...back for more in March #febwritingchallenge #MarWritingChallenge
#marwritingchallenge #febwritingchallenge
This morning, I spent 18 minutes Writing a total of 552 words! #onlinewritinglog #marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters https://www.onlinewritinglog.com
#onlinewritinglog #marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters
882 words today between a couple of chapters and a bit of editing #marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters #owlwriters
#marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters #owlwriters
I've got a cup of tea, I've got a chapter to work on, everyone else is asleep...I'm all set. #marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters #owlwriters
#marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters #owlwriters
769 words today. Pretty productive overall. #marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters #amwriting
#marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters #amwriting
I added another 198 words today. Not as much as I would have liked but I got some reading done instead...so that's ok. I also managed to finally update the #marwritingchallenge log....I was a bit behind :)
#marwritingchallenge #turtlewriters
555 words tonight to wrap up #febwritingchallenge. Total for this month is 11305 words. #turtlewriters #owlwriters Now, on to #MarWritingChallenge
#febwritingchallenge #turtlewriters #owlwriters #marwritingchallenge