Philosophers just interpret the world in different ways, the problem is to change the world.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
All social life is practical in nature. Whatever mysteries lead theory to mysticism can be reasonably resolved in human practice and in the understanding of this practice.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The essence of man is not an abstraction inherent in a single individual; in its reality, it is the sum of all social relations.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The conformity of the change of environment with the activity or self-change of man can only be seen and reasonably understood as the practice of revolution.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The environment is changed by people, and the educator himself must be educated.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Feuerbach regarded theoretical activity as real human activity, and did not understand human activity itself as objective activity. Nor does he understand the meaning of "revolutionary" and "practice-critical" activity.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
"Die politische Befreiung durch die #Demokratie verwirkliche eher nur die Vollendung der #modernen Welt, nicht dessen Überwindung. #Marx erkennt, dass sie keinen radikalen politischen Akt bringen kann, sofern die bürgerliche #Gesellschaft vorrausgesetzt ist, weil sie den politischen Raum entpolitisiert, um das Interesse des egoistischen Individuums zu bewahren." - #KoheiSaito
#demokratie #modernen #marx #Gesellschaft #KoheiSaito
1.2 The Poverty of Philosophy, by Karl Marx: Constituted Value or Synthetic Value
#marx #marxism #leftism #socialism #audiobook
“#Epikuros'a göre atomların hareketlerinde özerklik ve rastlantısallık önemli rol oynar. İnsan eylemliliğini tarihin itici gücü olarak vurgulayan bir tarihsel #materyalizm anlayışına yönelen genç #Marx'ın bu bağlamda #Demokritos yerine Epikuros'u tercih etmesi anlaşılır hâle gelir.”
Antik Yunan’da diyalektiğin doğuşu | Sean Ledwith
#epikuros #materyalizm #marx #demokritos
Nowadays, our definition of capitalist is becoming more and more blurred, and it is even difficult to tell who is a real capitalist. This means that the class consciousness of the proletarians is also gradually weakening, and there are two reasons for this weakening of the class consciousness of the proletariat: the first is that it considers itself a property-owner, and the second is that it has no object to rebel against.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The bourgeois is the slave of the existing social system and of the prejudices connected with it; He fears, curses, and rejects all that truly marks progress; The proletarian looks at all this with open eyes and studies it with interest and effectiveness.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Poverty will force the workers to abandon their faith, and they will come to realize more and more that this faith can only make them weak, make them subservient to their fate, and make them subservient to the propertied classes that extract their fat.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
We cannot recognize only psychological development, only abstract human development that has nothing to do with the past. But the whole world, including every single person, is based on the past. Therefore, they are too pedantic, too metaphysical, and they cannot make a difference.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Utopian socialists often complain of the decadence of the lower classes, and they fail to see the progressive element in this disintegration of the social system, and the more serious moral degradation of the mercenary and hypocritical property-owning classes.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Intervista a Karl Marx con il supporto dell’intelligenza artificiale
Grazie alla capacità di surfare tra le onde gravitazionali siamo in grado di offrirvi un'esclusiva intervista al principale teorico dell'ideologia che ha fatto la storia del 900', contribuendo a sollevare
#RecensioniLibri #ambientalismo #anarchia #BRICS #comunismo #Disuguaglianze #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Marx #sinistra
#recensionilibri #ambientalismo #anarchia #BRICS #comunismo #disuguaglianze #intelligenzaartificiale #marx #sinistra
#3sat #Kulturzeit
"#Systemsturz - Wenn wir glauben, die Welt durch #nachhaltigen #Konsum vor der #KlimaKatastrophe zu retten, betrügen wir uns selbst"
"Das #Wirtschaftswachstum der Moderne versprach uns ein #Leben im #Wohlstand. Jedoch wird durch die #Umweltkrise des #Anthropozän klar, daß es (..) gerade das Wirtschaftswachstum ist, das die #Grundlagen des (..) Wohlstands untergräbt."
#KoheiSaito über die Neuinterpretation der #Marx’schen Theorie:
#kapitalismus #marx #KoheiSaito #grundlagen #anthropozan #umweltkrise #wohlstand #leben #wirtschaftswachstum #klimakatastrophe #konsum #nachhaltigen #Systemsturz #kulturzeit #3sat
Free competition causes great suffering to the workers and arouses their hatred; The bourgeois, the champion of free competition, became the mortal enemy of the workers. Complete freedom of competition will only hurt the workers.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The bourgeoisie understands that any change by violence is dangerous to its position, opposes the use of "material force" and seeks only "moral force" to achieve its aims.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
In the twenty-first century, it is difficult to say that the strike is a military school for the workers, or that it is entirely a declaration of the various branches of Labor about their participation in the great workers' movement. There are very few strikes at the moment, and very few that actually achieve their goals, except for the strikes that are often carried out in Britain.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Medienbischof Reinhard #Marx sieht durch die #KI "derzeit epochale Veränderungen auch in der medialen Kommunikation" – und ruft zugleich zu Vorsicht auf.