Tonight in 1960 — THE MIKADO aired on NBC’s BELL TELEPHONE HOUR
#GrouchoMarx starred in this TV adaptation of Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera.
#marxbros #1960s #1960stv #classictv #onthisday #grouchomarx
Tonight in 1965 – #GrouchoMarx and #MargaretDumont appeared on THE HOLLYWOOD PALACE on ABC.
They recreated the "Hooray for Captain Spaulding” number from #AnimalCracker (1930).
It was Dumont’s final appearance before her death.
#marxbros #classictv #oldhollywood #animalcracker #margaretdumont #grouchomarx
Tonight in 1974 — #GrouchoMarx was presented w/ an Honorary Oscar at the 46th #AcademyAwards "for the unequaled achievements of the Marx Bros. in the art of motion picture comedy.”
“I wish Harpo and Chico could could be here” he said. “I wish #MargaretDumont could be here too.”
#marxbros #oldhollywood #onthisday #margaretdumont #academyawards #grouchomarx
Tonight in 1952 – #HarpoMarx and #ChicoMarx appeared on THE COLGATE COMEDY HOUR on NBC.
They recreated the silverware routine from #AnimalCrackers (1930).
Host #TonyMartin had co-starred w/ the #MarxBros. in #TheBigStore (1941).
#onthisday #classictv #oldhollywood #thebigstore #marxbros #TonyMartin #AnimalCrackers #chicomarx #harpomarx
“Well, #art is art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take #cranberries and stew them like #applesauce they taste much more like #prunes than #rhubarb does. Now, uh... Now you tell me what you know.”
#marxbros #grouchomarx #rhubarb #Prunes #applesauce #cranberries #Art
It’s a bit of a cliché, but God help me I love Casablanca , so:
#Casablanca (1942)
#TheCourtJester (1956)
#SomeLikeItHot (1959)
#TheManchurianCandidate (1962)
#WakeInFright (1971)
#TheWickerMan (1973)
#WithnailAndI (1987)
Apologies to the #MarxBros, #HighNoon (1952), #ThePrincessBride (1987), and a host of others ~
#Movies #Films
#7filmstoknowme #casablanca #thecourtjester #somelikeithot #themanchuriancandidate #wakeinfright #thewickerman #WithnailandI #marxbros #highnoon #theprincessbride #movies #films
@simsjames just bought. Thanks for the link — I am a huge #MarxBros fan and once had a pet #hedgehog names for Margaret Dumont.
#TheBigStore (1941) airs on TCM Friday at 9:30am ET.
It's not their best (or even close), but it's the #MarxBros film WCBS Channel 2 in New York seemed to air the most on The Late Show back in the pre-VCR days (circa 1979-80).
So it will always have a special place in my heart.
#BlackFriday #classicfilm #TCMParty #marxbros #thebigstore
Some of my #favourite #actors and #actresses (in no particular order):
Lillian Gish #lilliangish
Zhang Ziyi #zhangziyi
Sakura Ando #sakuraando
Bae Doona #baedoona
Zhang Jingchu #zhangjingchu
Hiromi Nagasaku #hirominagasaku
Louise Brooks #louisebrooks
Toshiro Mifune #toshiromifune
Song Kang-ho #songkangho
Andy Lau #andylau
Takashi Shimura #takashishimura
and :
The Marx Brothers #marxbros
Laurel & Hardy #laurelandhardy
Bruce Lee #brucelee
Jackie Chan #jackiechan
Buster Keaton #busterkeaton
#favourite #actors #actresses #lilliangish #zhangziyi #sakuraando #baedoona #zhangjingchu #hirominagasaku #louisebrooks #toshiromifune #songkangho #andylau #takashishimura #marxbros #laurelandhardy #brucelee #jackiechan #busterkeaton