I spent quite a lot of time experimenting taking photos of the clover at different angles. I particularly like this one as it’s an angle you rarely see. This was taken directly above the flowers. I really like their symmetry and how this allows us to see the structure of the flower.
#WhiteClover #flower #CommunityWoodland #ad #Maryburgh #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography
#photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #maryburgh #ad #communitywoodland #flower #whiteclover
What a beautiful little ground cover perennial plant. The new flowers are lovely with their yellow and coral stripes which then burst into the bright yellow mature flowers. They make a lovely contrast to the grasses all around. A really lovely little member of the native pea family.
#BirdsFootTrefoil #flower #CommunityWoodland #ad #Maryburgh #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography
#photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #maryburgh #ad #communitywoodland #flower #birdsfoottrefoil
This rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) always looks stunning in June. So, I just had to photograph it. I then heard the familiar buzz of a bee as it was collecting pollen. I am particularly happy with this shot of the bee as when you look closely you can see its proboscis in the plant.
#rhododendron #bee #flower #plant #community #ad #CommunityWoodland #Maryburgh #environment #woodland #nature #FediGiftShop
#fedigiftshop #nature #woodland #environment #maryburgh #communitywoodland #ad #community #plant #flower #bee #rhododendron
I have been photographing these tiny wee insects on several plants. They are Pollen Beetles – how aptly named. I also took ages trying to identify this flower but I think it’s a Cat’s Ear. I particularly like the edges of each of the petals.
#PollenBeetles #CatsEar #CommunityWoodland #ad #Maryburgh #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography
#photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #maryburgh #ad #communitywoodland #catsear #pollenbeetles
What a difference a few weeks makes. When I first saw this at the beginning of June it was quite small. It has grown significantly since then. We can now see all the different layers. It is a really stunning yellow.
#Sulphur #polypore #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography #Maryburgh #fungi
#fungi #maryburgh #photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #polypore #sulphur
These are beautiful flowers but they don’t last long so I was pleased to see this flower and then get it photographed before the petals fell.
#RosaRugosa #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography #Maryburgh
#maryburgh #photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #rosarugosa
I love the flowers on this rhododendron and am pleased to see it burst into flower each year.
Just a wee reminder that for all the photos in my "Maryburgh Community Woodland Collection" – a donation of 20% of my markup will be given to the #CommunityWoodland for each item sold during 2023.
#rhododendron #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography #Maryburgh
#maryburgh #photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #ad #rhododendron #communitywoodland
This is on a grassy bank which is covered with both native and introduced species. This particular plant was hiding behind some other plants. I really like the colours with the blue and almost crimson in the centre. I also quite like the “messiness” of the blue flowers.
#PerennialCornflower #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography #Maryburgh
#maryburgh #photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #perennialcornflower
I’ve rarely seen Noble Fir cones lying on the ground, so was really pleased to come across this one lying not far from the Noble Fir tree. I really like the structure of these with the seeds and the rougher bracts. It was only when I was looking at this in more detail that I realised that it is the female tree which produces cones.
#NobleFir #tree #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography #Maryburgh
#maryburgh #photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #tree #noblefir
I had to include this photo as I love the posture of the little insect on the Bramble flower.
#insect #bramble #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography #Maryburgh
#maryburgh #photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #Bramble #insect
I really liked how the central flower was in full flower and on either side of it were much smaller flower buds. I think it is part of the Hypericum family but am unable to identify the specific species.
#hypericum #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #Maryburgh #woodland #environment #nature #photography
#photography #nature #environment #woodland #maryburgh #fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #hypericum
This was one of the first Foxglove plants to flower. However, since then there have been many others flowering in any of the different parts of the woodland. I really like the shape and pattern on these flowers.
#foxglove #digitalis #CommunityWoodland #ad #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography #Maryburgh
#maryburgh #photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #Digitalis #foxglove
This year has been excellent for the elder plants and their flowerheads are looking spectacular. Every tree is laden with flowers.
#elderflower #flowers #CommunityWoodland #ad #Maryburgh #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography
#photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #maryburgh #ad #communitywoodland #flowers #elderflower
What a beautiful little ground cover perennial plant. The new flowers are lovely with their yellow and coral stripes which then burst into the bright yellow mature flowers. They make a lovely contrast to the grasses all around. A really lovely little member of the native pea family.
#BirdsFootTrefoil #flower #CommunityWoodland #ad #Maryburgh #FediGiftShop #woodland #environment #nature #photography
#photography #nature #environment #woodland #fedigiftshop #maryburgh #ad #communitywoodland #flower #birdsfoottrefoil
A donation will be made to the Maryburgh Community Woodland for each item sold from my Maryburgh Community Woodland Collection during 2023.
#fedigiftshop #artmatters #ayearofart #ad #environmentprotection #nature #photographyproject #photography #woodland #environment #maryburgh #communitywoodland #community
Scots Pine with Lichen
A donation will be made to the Maryburgh Community Woodland for each item sold from my Maryburgh Community Woodland Collection during 2023.
#fedigiftshop #artmatters #ayearofart #ad #environmentprotection #nature #photographyproject #photography #woodland #environment #maryburgh #communitywoodland #community
New Life
A donation will be made to the Maryburgh Community Woodland for each item sold from my Maryburgh Community Woodland Collection during 2023.
#fedigiftshop #artmatters #ayearofart #ad #environmentprotection #nature #photographyproject #photography #woodland #environment #maryburgh #communitywoodland #community
Multicoloured Lichen
A donation will be made to the Maryburgh Community Woodland for each item sold from my Maryburgh Community Woodland Collection during 2023.
#fedigiftshop #artmatters #ayearofart #ad #environmentprotection #nature #photographyproject #photography #woodland #environment #maryburgh #communitywoodland #community
A donation will be made to the Maryburgh Community Woodland for each item sold from my Maryburgh Community Woodland Collection during 2023.
#fedigiftshop #artmatters #ayearofart #ad #environmentprotection #nature #photographyproject #photography #woodland #environment #maryburgh #communitywoodland #community
Moss on Tree
A donation will be made to the Maryburgh Community Woodland for each item sold from my Maryburgh Community Woodland Collection during 2023.
#fedigiftshop #artmatters #ayearofart #ad #environmentprotection #nature #photographyproject #photography #woodland #environment #maryburgh #communitywoodland #community