I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. I was quite surprised to see fungi appearing all throughout the spring and summer as I always associate fungi with autumn. This is the fourth video of fungi I have managed to capture .... so far!
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #fungi #fungus #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #fungus #fungi #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. I was quite surprised to see fungi appearing all throughout the spring and summer as I always associate fungi with autumn. This is the third video of fungi I have managed to capture .... so far!
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #fungi #fungus #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #fungus #fungi #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. I was quite surprised to see fungi appearing all throughout the spring and summer as I always associate fungi with autumn. This is the second video of fungi I have managed to capture .... so far!
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #fungi #fungus #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #fungus #fungi #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. I was quite surprised to see fungi appearing all throughout the spring and summer as I always associate fungi with autumn. This is the first video of fungi I have managed to capture .... so far!
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #fungi #fungus #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #fungus #fungi #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. For the flower videos I've split them into plant families. This video contains the families from: Rush to Wood Sorrel.
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #flowers #plants #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #plants #flowers #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. For the flower videos I've split them into plant families. This video contains the families from: Plantain to Rose.
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #flowers #plants #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #plants #flowers #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. For the flower videos I've split them into plant families. This video contains the families from: Honeysuckle to Periwinkle.
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #flowers #plants #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #plants #flowers #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. For the flower videos I've split them into plant families. This video contains the families from: Daisy to Holly.
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #flowers #plants #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #plants #flowers #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned
I'd thought I'd pull some of the photos I've taken over the last few months into a series of videos. For the flower videos I've split them into plant families. This video contains the families from: Bedstraw to Daffodil.
#CommunityOwned #CommunityInvolvement #MaryburghCommunityWoodland #flowers #plants #nature #environment #biodiversity
#biodiversity #environment #nature #plants #flowers #maryburghcommunitywoodland #communityinvolvement #communityowned