a rare moment of defeat: margaret mead organizes a conference about rituals, and it falls flat because she mixed comparative religion scholars with catholic priests who believe their religion is 100% correct and everyone elses is 0% correct
#withadaughterseye #margaretmead #marycatherinebateson #pillastorytime
#withadaughterseye #margaretmead #marycatherinebateson #pillastorytime
time to plant a flag since a hashtag search for #gregorybateson turns up exactly one result
if youre looking to talk about #mindandnature #angelsfear #withadaughterseye #blackberrywinter #margaretmead #marycatherinebateson and how their ideas echo through society today hit me the fuck up
#gregorybateson #mindandnature #angelsfear #withadaughterseye #blackberrywinter #margaretmead #marycatherinebateson