Aston by-election 2023 is looking like a swing of more than 6% to the Labor Party.
This would give Mary Doyle a historical win. This could be the first time in a century that a sitting federal government has won a by-election.
It would also further imperil Peter Dutton as Leader of the Opposition, since he's notably racist against China and Aston has a relatively large population of people of Chinese heritage.
The former Member for Aston, Alan Tudge, was a nasty piece of work. His name is dirt due to his close association with Scott Morrison, his affair with a staffer, and being a key architect of RoboDebt while he was Minister for Human Services. Although Aston has been a Coalition seat since 1990, it's hard to see the coalition hanging onto Aston.
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#astonvotes #astonvotes2023 #auspol #vicpol #marydoyle #peterdutton #libspill #alantudge #scottmorrison #scottyfrommarkering #robodebt