George Pell funeral: Tony Abbott calls Pell 'Australia's greatest Catholic'
Say what you like about #MaryMackillop but #Pell touched people more deeply than she ever did (well boys anyway)
A note from long-term #secular organiser and 2022 Fusion candidate, Ian Bryce
"I have been posting ribbons on St Mary's for over a week now, with small bands of helpers.
Note the ribbon held by the statue of Mary MacKillop – she was fired for exposing pedophilia all that time ago – I think she would approve.
The Cathedral staff took to following me around and cutting my ribbons off! Except for one section where I placed a sign saying they were part of the healing process.
And we met with Cathedral management! I suggested that (in the long term) we designate one area where they would leave ribbons. They have been receptive."
#stmarys #marymackillop #auspol #fusionparty #voteFusion #fusion
#secular #stmarys #marymackillop #auspol #fusionparty #votefusion #fusion