Have just finished a #firstDraft of a #script for a new wee #history #video. It's about #MaryQueenofScots flight through #Galloway .
Horrible, tragic story.
So much #Royal history is like that . 😥
#writing #nonfiction
#nonfiction #writing #royal #galloway #maryqueenofscots #video #history #script #firstdraft
Today's photo with the most hits: porcelain miniature, Mary Queen of Scots, seen in the museum in Inverness.
#MaryQueenOfScots #inverness #museum #scotland #history #executed
#maryqueenofscots #inverness #museum #scotland #history #executed
1st of August - Lammas
#OTD #OnThisDay #ScottishHistory #Lughnasadh #GuleOfAugust #GreatFireBringsRain #SlaveEmancipation (see footnote to article) #MaryQueenOfScots #ConfessionOfFaith #15Rebellion #ActOfProscription #DeniedHighlandGarb #Marmion #ThebalAmulet
#thebalamulet #marmion #deniedhighlandgarb #actofproscription #15Rebellion #confessionoffaith #maryqueenofscots #slaveemancipation #greatfirebringsrain #guleofaugust #lughnasadh #ScottishHistory #onthisday #otd
“There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.” Bess of Hardwick and her husband George Talbot were ‘asked’ by Queen Elizabeth to imprison rebellious Mary Queen of Scots in their home – the resulting tensions possibly fuelling the breakdown of their marriage. More about Bess in the latest HHE Podcast.
#maryqueenofscots #bessofhardwick #yorkshire
Renewing the Auld Alliance: Marie Stuart’s poetics & the Catholic League’s politics
—Jessica Erin DeVos, Renaissance Studies 35/4 (2021)
#Scottish #French #FrancoScottish #literature for #BastilleDay 🇫🇷🏴
#Renaissance #MaryQueenofScots
#maryqueenofscots #renaissance #bastilleday #literature #francoscottish #french #scottish
I feel like I can make a game out of spotting the #incest uous loop de loops in the #genealogy of a given hereditary #monarchy. Like, so many of these people have well under the normal 16 great great grandparents.
Here's #MaryQueenOfScots with two circles in her pedigree.
#maryqueenofscots #monarchy #genealogy #incest
#OnThisDay, May 16, 1568, Mary, Queen of Scots fled to England seeking the protection of her first cousin once removed, Queen Elizabeth I (depicted in Mary Queen of Scots, 2018)
#Film #Movies #MaryQueenOfScots #QueenElizabeth #Elizabethan @histodons
#onthisday #film #movies #maryqueenofscots #queenelizabeth #elizabethan
On this day in history. Mary Queen of Scots escaped from imprisonment in Lochleven Castle, on its island in Loch Leven, 455 years ago today on 2 May 1568. She would subsequently make an unsuccessful attempt to regain power in Scotland. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/kinross/lochlevencastle/index.html
#Scotland #LochlevenCastle #Castle #Island #PerthAndKinross #MaryQueenOfScots #OnThisDay #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #onthisday #maryqueenofscots #perthandkinross #island #castle #lochlevencastle #scotland
RT @andrewsp2009
Mary Queen of Scots, Lennoxlove death mask and face reconstruction by 'Royalty Now' turned into a Gif. Nigel Tranter told me there were three death masks of Mary. So don't know if other casts were taken from original. #MaryQueenOfScots
Mary, Queen of Scots: Facial Reconstructions from her Death Mask & History Documentary | Royalty Now - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq2B13uLL6E&ab_channel=RoyaltyNowStudios
via #RoyaltyNowStudios #MaryQueenOfScots #Reconstruction
#royaltynowstudios #maryqueenofscots #reconstruction
Book haul from #Toppings #StAndrews. Initially a panic when booksellers couldn’t find the prepaid #book for collection but got there eventually! Also picked up #RonaMunro #plays James IV and Mary. Liking the larger expanded shop but it’s still problematic on #accessibility grounds. #Books #Reading #Bookshop #JamesIV #MaryQueenOfScots #ScottishHistory #GraphicNovels #BookHaul
#bookhaul #graphicnovels #ScottishHistory #maryqueenofscots #jamesiv #bookshop #reading #books #accessibility #plays #ronamunro #book #standrews #toppings
For the British royalty fans among my friends.
#MaryQueenOfScots #BritishRoyalty
#maryqueenofscots #britishroyalty
Well this is very exciting! A 'literary and historical sensation', 57 letters written by Mary Queen of Scots have been decoded.
#MaryQueenofScots #Letters #History #Tudor #ElizabethI #BessOfHardwick
#maryqueenofscots #letters #history #tudor #elizabethi #bessofhardwick
Codebreakers crack secrets of the lost letters of Mary, Queen of Scots
#CodedLetters https://phys.org/news/2023-02-codebreakers-secrets-lost-letters-mary.html
>Secret, coded letters penned by Mary, Queen of Scots, while she was imprisoned in England by her cousin Queen Elizabeth I, have been uncovered by a multidisciplinary team of international codebreakers.
#codebreakers #maryqueenofscots #LettersWhilstImprisoned #letters #CodedLetters
Re the newly deciphered #MaryQueenOfScots letters my main takes are (1) #cryptography is awesome, and I love how exciting this is for my fellow computer scientists too; (2) it reminds us how much is hidden in #archives, uncatalogued or inadequately catalogued. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-64568222 #ScottishHistory #History #ComputerScience #Cataloguing #HistoricalResearch #ArchivalResearch
#archivalresearch #historicalresearch #cataloguing #computerscience #history #ScottishHistory #archives #cryptography #maryqueenofscots
Preghiera di Maria Stuarda from Luigi Dallapiccola's great, anti-fascist Canti di Prigiona, begun in 1938 in protest against Mussolini's introduction of race laws in Italy.
Esa-Pekka Salonen conducts the Swedish Radio Choir and members of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Mary Stuart was executed in Fotheringhay Castle #OTD in 1587
#otd #dallapicccola #maryqueenofscots
This is the kind of nifty thing I like about the internet. https://toot.wales/@LauraSaintChevalier/109829615648399550
Apparently letters from Mary, Queen of Scots were mis-filed as Italian letters in a French archive. Some nerds sussed this out and decoded the cypher she used.
Pretty slick that they could do this all these years later. And niftier that Mary, Queen of Scots could be trending centuries later.
(oh, and another time when #quotepost would be nice)
For anyone who wants to know more details about the newly deciphered Mary Queen of Scots letters here is the full peer reviewed journal paper. Freely online, open access, for all to read. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01611194.2022.2160677 #MaryQueenOfScots #MaryQoS #ScottishHistory #16thCentury #SixteenthCentury #EuropeanHistory #History #Scotland #Ciphers #LetterWriting
#letterwriting #ciphers #scotland #history #europeanhistory #sixteenthcentury #16thcentury #ScottishHistory #maryqos #maryqueenofscots
A team of codebreakers have cracked secret coded messages in letters written by Mary, Queen of Scots while she was imprisoned by her cousin Queen Elizabeth I, in what experts have said is the most significant discovery about Mary for more than a century
🔗 https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/08/mary-queen-of-scots-prison-letters-finally-decoded
🔗 to the study: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01611194.2022.2160677
📷 Decrypt Project
#history #maryqueenofscots #scotland