"...for whom does one stay honest? Only for the god."
My audience is the abyss. I stay honest for the abyss.
#maskofapollo #maryrenault #talkingtomyselflettingyoulisten
In #historicalnovel - well, #prehistory really, I adore #MaryRenault's #TheKingMustDie about #Theseus, and #StephenPressfield's #GatesOfFire about the #Spartans
#HistoricalNovel #prehistory #maryrenault #thekingmustdie #theseus #stephenpressfield #gatesoffire #spartans
Who are the #MaryRenault fans out there and what can you tell me about her?
#writers #books #amreading
#maryrenault #writers #books #amreading
@EJBrand Seven of my favorite authors:
#bookstodon #williamtrevor #EdnaOBrien #ChinuaAchebe #maryrenault #margeryallingham #henryjames #georgeeliot
In hatred as in love, we grow like the thing we brood upon. What we loathe, we graft into our very soul
Man's immortality is not to live forever; that wish is born of fear. Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal